
- 嘘が事実と矛盾していることに気づかないこと
- 嘘をついていることに対する罪悪感や後ろめたさを感じないこと
- 嘘をついていることについて、誰かに指摘されたり、疑われたりしても、平然と否定すること
- 幼少期の経験から、自分を大きく見せたり、劣等感を隠したりする必要性を感じたこと
- 虚言癖を持つ家族や友人の影響を受けたこと
- 精神疾患の一種である、妄想性パーソナリティ障害や解離性障害などの影響を受けたこと
There are pros and cons regarding psychology.
There is also a psychological interpretation in which A becomes B, so be careful.
It is important to make multiple decisions. Also, combine what you say with your actions. Don't forget that gesture is also an indicator.
I will write about the wall of lies.
First of all, what is a wall of lies?
A wall of lies is a defensive wall built by people with a tendency to lie to protect themselves. People who are liars may lie to make themselves appear bigger than they really are or to cover up feelings of inferiority. A wall of lies is formed by accumulating such lies.
The false wall has the following characteristics:
Not realizing that a lie contradicts the truth
Don't feel guilty or guilty about lying
Even if someone points out or suspects that you are lying, calmly deny it.
The wall of lies plays an important role for people who have a tendency to lie to protect themselves. However, the thicker the wall of lies, the more there is a risk of losing trust with those around you and becoming isolated.
The causes of the formation of a wall of lies are not yet fully understood, but the following may be considered.
From your childhood experiences, you felt the need to make yourself look bigger or hide your feelings of inferiority.
Being influenced by a family member or friend who has a tendency to lie
Being affected by a type of mental illness such as paranoid personality disorder or dissociative disorder
For those who have developed a wall of lies, it is important to seek professional help rather than suffering alone.
Short-sighted lies are accompanied by pleasure, and therefore show a lack of reason. It is obvious that if you have a medium- to long-term plan, things will come to light later on. Short-sighted thinking can be said to be less than an animal. Personally, I think I'm on the border of borderline intelligence.
Also, keep in mind that intelligence, simply called intelligence, can vary greatly depending on your physical condition and condition.
When you are seriously injured, it is hard to imagine that your thoughts will expand when you can't stand the pain.

- いつも誰かに認められたいと思っている
- 自分の器を大きく見せようとする
- 嘘で相手のことを傷つけないようにしたい
- その場しのぎで済ませれば良いと思っている
- 他人を騙しても何も悪いと思わない