1. 本人を責めず、理解しようとする
2. 嘘を突っついたり、追求したりしない
3. 信頼関係を築く
4. 専門家に相談する
- 本人と1対1で話すのではなく、複数人で話すようにする。
- 嘘を言ったことを指摘するのではなく、嘘をつく理由を聞いてみる。
- 本人の話を否定せず、肯定的に受け止める。
- 本人の良いところを認め、褒める。
How to deal with people who have a habit of lying
Here are some ways to deal with and deal with lying:
1. Try to understand without blaming the person.
It is important to understand that liars are trying to protect themselves by lying. If he blames or denies the person, he may end up repeating more lies.
2. Don't attack or pursue lies.
People who are prone to lying may tell more lies in order to keep their lies from being discovered. Therefore, avoid prodding or pursuing lies.
3. Build trusting relationships
People who are prone to lies will tell more lies if they feel that the people around them don't trust them. Therefore, it is important for her to trust him and show his support.
4. Consult an expert
If your lying habits are interfering with your daily life, consider consulting a professional. By seeking counseling or psychotherapy, you can find out what causes you to lie and learn ways to overcome it.
Specific countermeasures include the following:
Instead of talking with the person one-on-one, try to talk with more than one person.
Instead of pointing out that they lied, ask them why they lie.
Don't deny what the person is saying; accept it positively.
Recognize and praise the person's good qualities.
Lying is painful for both the person and those around them. Instead of blaming the person, give them an opportunity to overcome their tendency to lie by showing understanding and support.
The causes of lying habits vary from person to person, so it cannot be said that this is the best way to deal with it. However, the above-mentioned methods are generally effective.