- 需要額: 5兆円を大きく上回る見込み (2019年は4.8兆円)
- 要因: 訪日外国人一人当たりの消費額が予想外に高水準で推移
- 参考資料:
- 訪日外国人客数: 史上最多の3,310万人を予測
- 要因: 中国からの個人旅行の回復
- 参考資料:
- 政府は2025年までにインバウンド需要5兆円、訪日外国人旅行者数2,000万人、訪日外国人旅行消費額4兆円を目標としていますが、これらの目標は前倒しで達成される可能性があります。
- 多言語対応: メニューやウェブサイト、SNSなどを多言語化し、外国人観光客が情報を得やすくする。
- オンライン予約: 外国人観光客向けのオンライン予約サイトに登録し、予約のハードルを下げる。
- SNS活用: InstagramやTikTokなどのSNSで情報発信し、外国人観光客の関心を引く。
- インバウンド向けメディアへの掲載: 外国人観光客向けのガイドブックやウェブサイトに掲載してもらう。
- 体験型コンテンツ: 日本文化体験(例:寿司作り体験、日本酒テイスティング)などを提供し、外国人観光客の興味を引く。
- 多言語対応スタッフの配置: 英語や中国語など、主要な言語に対応できるスタッフを配置する。
- タブレット端末の活用: タブレット端末で多言語メニューを表示したり、翻訳アプリを利用したりする。
- ピクトグラムの活用: メニューに写真やイラストを多用し、言葉がわからなくても料理の内容がわかるようにする。
- 宗教・文化への配慮: ハラルやベジタリアンなど、宗教や文化に配慮したメニューを提供する。
- キャッシュレス決済: クレジットカードやQRコード決済など、外国人観光客が使いやすい決済方法を導入する。
- 無料Wi-Fiの提供: 外国人観光客がインターネットを利用しやすい環境を整える。
- 多言語対応のトイレ表示: トイレの場所や使い方を多言語で表示する。
- 観光案内: 周辺の観光スポットや交通機関の情報を提供する。
- 農園・漁村体験ツアー: 収穫体験、漁業体験、加工体験など、日本の農林水産業を体験できるツアーを企画・実施
- 農家民宿・漁家民宿: 農家や漁師の家に宿泊し、地元の食材を使った料理や文化体験を提供
- 直売所・道の駅でのインバウンド対応: 外国語対応、免税手続き、多言語表示、海外向け決済手段の導入
- 輸出促進: 高品質な農林水産物を海外に輸出
- 海外販路開拓: 現地のニーズに合わせた商品開発やプロモーション
- インバウンド向け情報発信: ウェブサイトやSNSでの多言語情報発信、海外メディアへの露出
- 外国人向け農業研修: 外国人を受け入れ、日本の農業技術を習得してもらう
- インバウンド向け商品開発: 地元の特産品を使った加工品や土産品の開発、ベジタリアン・ヴィーガン・ハラル対応商品の開発
- イチゴ狩り: 日本で人気のイチゴ狩りは、外国人観光客にも人気のアクティビティ。農園によっては、多言語対応のスタッフを配置したり、ピクトグラムで説明したりするなど、外国人観光客への配慮も進んでいます。
- ワイナリーツアー: 日本産のワインは海外でも評価が高まっており、ワイナリーツアーは外国人観光客に人気の観光コンテンツとなっています。
- 漁業体験: 漁船に乗って漁業体験ができるツアーは、外国人観光客に日本の漁業文化を体験してもらう良い機会となっています。
- 言語・文化の壁: 外国語対応や異文化理解など、インバウンド対応には課題も多いですが、地域全体で協力して取り組むことが重要です。
- 人材不足: 農林水産業は人手不足が深刻なため、外国人労働者の受け入れや、外国人向けの農業研修など、人材確保の取り組みも必要です。
- 販路開拓: 海外販路の開拓や、海外向けの商品開発など、輸出促進に向けた取り組みも重要です。
- 多言語での求人情報: 英語や中国語など、ターゲットとする外国人観光客の言語で求人情報を発信する。
- 外国人向けの求人サイト: 外国人向けの求人サイトやSNSを活用して求人情報を発信する。
- 外国人留学生向けの就職フェア: 外国人留学生を対象とした就職フェアに参加する。
- インターンシップ: 外国人留学生を受け入れ、インターンシップを通じて採用につなげる。
- 紹介制度: 従業員からの紹介制度を導入し、外国人観光客に対応できる人材を紹介してもらう。
- ハローワーク: ハローワークの外国人雇用サービスセンターに相談し、外国人求職者を紹介してもらう。
- 外国人材紹介会社: 外国人材紹介会社に依頼し、外国人求職者を紹介してもらう。
- 語学力重視: 英語や中国語など、外国人観光客に対応できる語学力を重視する。
- コミュニケーション能力重視: 異文化理解力やコミュニケーション能力を重視する。
- 人柄重視: 接客業であるため、明るく丁寧な対応ができる人柄を重視する。
- 多様な働き方: 短時間勤務や週3日勤務など、多様な働き方を許容する。
- 研修制度: 外国人観光客への接客方法や日本の文化などを学ぶ研修制度を設ける。
- キャリアパス: 外国人従業員がキャリアアップできるようなキャリアパスを用意する。
- 外国人従業員のサポート: ビザ取得や住居探しなど、外国人従業員の生活をサポートする。
- 多文化共生: 従業員同士が互いの文化を理解し、尊重できるような職場環境を作る。
Inbound demand
It is expected to exceed pre-COVID levels in 2023 and continue to grow in 2024.
The highest figure was in 2019
Inbound demand in 2023
Demand: Expected to far exceed 5 trillion yen (4.8 trillion yen in 2019)
Reason: Consumption per foreign visitor to Japan remains at an unexpectedly high level
Inbound demand recovering smoothly: Estimated value for 2023 is 5.9 trillion yen, exceeding pre-COVID levels (number of foreign visitors to Japan in June): https://www.nri.com/jp/knowledge/blog/lst/2023/fis/kiuchi/0720_2
Inbound demand in 2024
Number of foreign visitors to Japan: Predicted to be a record high of 33.1 million
Reason: Recovery of individual travel from China
Travel forecast for 2024, inbound visitors to Japan to reach a record high of 33.1 million, domestic revenge consumption showing a pause, overseas travel showing a slow recovery, JTB estimates - Travel Voice: https://www.travelvoice.jp/20231220-154831
The government has set a goal of 5 trillion yen in inbound demand, 20 million foreign visitors to Japan, and 4 trillion yen in travel spending by foreign visitors to Japan by 2025, but these goals may be achieved ahead of schedule.
The increase in inbound demand is expected to have a positive impact on various industries, including the tourism industry.
In response to the increase in inbound demand, restaurants are taking various measures.
Attracting customers
Multilingual support: Make menus, websites, SNS, etc. multilingual to make it easier for foreign tourists to obtain information.
Online reservations: Register on an online reservation site for foreign tourists to lower the barrier to reservations.
Utilizing SNS: Disseminate information on SNS such as Instagram and TikTok to attract the interest of foreign tourists.
Featured in inbound media: Have your restaurant featured in guidebooks and websites for foreign tourists.
Experience-based content: Offer Japanese cultural experiences (e.g., sushi making experience, sake tasting), etc. to attract the interest of foreign tourists.
Customer service
Assign multilingual staff: Assign staff who can speak major languages such as English and Chinese.
Use tablet devices: Display multilingual menus on tablet devices or use translation apps.
Use pictograms: Use many photos and illustrations on the menu so that customers can understand the contents of the dishes even if they do not understand the language.
Consideration for religion and culture: Offer menus that take religion and culture into consideration, such as halal and vegetarian.
Cashless payment: Introduce payment methods that are easy for foreign tourists to use, such as credit cards and QR code payments.
Provide free Wi-Fi: Create an environment where foreign tourists can easily use the Internet.
Multilingual toilet signs: Display the location of toilets and how to use them in multiple languages.
Tourist information: Provide information on nearby tourist spots and transportation.
These efforts will increase the satisfaction of foreign tourists and lead to repeat visitors.
It is also important for the entire region to work on inbound measures. For example, tourism associations and local governments can take the lead in creating multilingual maps and setting up tourist information centers to create an environment where foreign tourists can tour the area with peace of mind.
It is important for restaurants to use this information to consider effective inbound measures that are tailored to their strengths and target customer demographic.
The increase in inbound demand also represents a major business opportunity for Japan's primary industries.
Examples of inbound initiatives in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry
Farm and fishing village experience tours: Planning and implementing tours that allow visitors to experience Japan's agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries, such as harvesting, fishing and processing experiences
Farm and fisherman's guesthouses: Staying at farmhouses and fishermen's homes and offering cuisine using local ingredients and cultural experiences
Inbound support at direct sales outlets and roadside stations: Foreign language support, tax-free procedures, multilingual displays, introduction of overseas payment methods
Export promotion: Exporting high-quality agricultural, forestry and fishery products overseas
Developing overseas sales channels: Product development and promotion tailored to local needs
Inbound information dissemination: Multilingual information dissemination on websites and SNS, exposure to overseas media
Agricultural training for foreigners: Accepting foreigners and having them learn Japanese agricultural techniques
Inbound product development: Development of processed products and souvenirs using local specialty products, development of vegetarian, vegan and halal products
Specific examples
Strawberry picking: Strawberry picking, which is popular in Japan, is also a popular activity for foreign tourists. Some farms are also being considerate to foreign tourists, such as by assigning multilingual staff and using pictograms to explain things.
Winery tours: Japanese wines are gaining recognition overseas, and winery tours are a popular tourist attraction for foreign tourists.
Fishing experience: Tours that allow foreign tourists to experience fishing on a fishing boat are a good opportunity for foreign tourists to experience Japan's fishing culture.
Challenges and future prospects
Language and cultural barriers: There are many challenges in responding to inbound tourists, such as foreign language support and cross-cultural understanding, but it is important to work together as a region.
Lack of human resources: Since the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries have a serious labor shortage, efforts to secure human resources are also necessary, such as accepting foreign workers and providing agricultural training for foreigners.
Developing sales channels: It is also important to take measures to promote exports, such as developing overseas sales channels and developing products for overseas markets.
It is expected that capturing inbound demand will revitalize Japan's primary industries and lead to the promotion of local economies.
As inbound demand increases, restaurants are facing a serious labor shortage. There is an urgent need to secure personnel who can deal with foreign tourists, and various efforts are being made in recruitment and hiring.
Job information in multiple languages: Post job information in the languages of the target foreign tourists, such as English and Chinese.
Job sites for foreigners: Post job information using job sites and social media for foreigners.
Job fairs for foreign students: Participate in job fairs for foreign students.
Internships: Accept foreign students and hire them through internships.
Referral system: Introduce a referral system from employees to have them introduce personnel who can deal with foreign tourists.
Hello Work: Consult with the Hello Work Foreign Employment Service Center and have them introduce foreign job seekers.
Foreign talent introduction companies: Request a foreign talent introduction company to introduce foreign job seekers.
Emphasis on language skills: Emphasis on language skills that can deal with foreign tourists, such as English and Chinese.
Emphasis on communication skills: Emphasis on intercultural understanding and communication skills.
Emphasis on personality: Because this is a customer service job, emphasis is placed on bright and polite personalities.
Diverse working styles: Accept diverse working styles, such as short-time work and working three days a week.
Training system: Establish a training system to learn how to serve foreign tourists and Japanese culture.
Career path: Prepare a career path that allows foreign employees to advance their careers.
Support for foreign employees: Support the lives of foreign employees, such as obtaining a visa and finding housing.
Multicultural coexistence: Create a work environment where employees can understand and respect each other's cultures.
Through these efforts, restaurants can secure personnel who can serve foreign tourists and accelerate the capture of inbound demand.
Job openings and recruitment information for restaurants in Osaka
In Osaka, with the increase in inbound demand, more and more restaurants are looking for personnel who can serve foreign tourists. Job openings can be found at Hello Work and recruitment sites for foreigners.
Indeed: https://jp.indeed.com/
YOLO JAPAN: https://yolo-japan.com/
In addition, job fairs for foreigners are held, organized by the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Osaka Prefecture, and others. By participating in these events, you can directly interact with companies and find a job that suits you.