


  • 株式会社とは共産党員とは~どこに利益をもたらすか~






  • 株式の発行: 株式会社は、株式と呼ばれる小さな単位に分割された所有権を発行します。株式を購入した人(株主)は、会社の所有者の一員となります。

  • 有限責任: 株主は、自分が購入した株式の金額までしか責任を負いません。たとえ会社が倒産しても、株主個人の財産がそれ以上取られることはありません。

  • 資金調達: 株式を発行することで、多くの投資家から資金を集めることができます。

  • 経営と所有の分離: 株主は会社の所有者ですが、必ずしも経営に参加するわけではありません。経営は、株主が選任した取締役が行います。



  • 公開会社: 株式を証券取引所に上場し、不特定多数の投資家に自由に売買できるようにしている会社。

  • 非公開会社: 株式を上場せず、特定の少数の人だけが株主となっている会社。





  • 事業活動を通じて、社会に価値を提供する

  • 雇用を創出し、経済発展に貢献する

  • 株主への利益還元を通じて、投資家を豊かにする

  • 地域社会との共生を図り、持続可能な社会の実現に貢献する





 〈問い〉日本共産党は「財界・大企業から一円も受け取っていない」と主張しています。収入はどうやって成り立っているのですか。 (神奈川・一読者)















What is a corporation?

A corporation (kabushikigaisha) is a type of business structure established under the Japanese Companies Act.


Issuance of stocks: A corporation issues ownership rights divided into small units called shares. People who purchase shares (shareholders) become part of the company's owners.
Limited liability: Shareholders are only liable up to the amount of the shares they purchased. Even if the company goes bankrupt, shareholders' personal assets will not be taken any more.
Funding: By issuing stocks, funds can be raised from many investors.
Separation of management and ownership: Shareholders are the owners of the company, but they do not necessarily participate in management. Management is carried out by directors appointed by the shareholders.


There are two types of corporations:

Public company: A company whose shares are listed on the stock exchange and can be freely bought and sold by an unspecified number of investors.
Private company: A company whose shares are not listed on the stock exchange and whose shareholders are only a specific few people.
Purpose of a corporation

The purpose of a corporation is defined in Article 1 of the Companies Act as "a for-profit incorporated association."

This means that a corporation is an organization whose purpose is to pursue profits. However, it is considered important to not only pursue profits, but also to contribute to society.

Specific objectives include the following:

Provide value to society through business activities
Create jobs and contribute to economic development
Enrich investors by returning profits to shareholders
Contribute to coexistence with local communities and realizing a sustainable society


Corporations are important players in economic activities and have a great impact on society. It is important to understand the purpose of corporations and correctly recognize their role.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Companies Act and related books.

What is the Communist Party?

Question: The Japanese Communist Party claims that it has not received a single yen from the business world or large corporations. How does it make money? (A reader from Kanagawa Prefecture)

Answer: The Japanese Communist Party's income comes from party dues paid by party members, personal donations from party members and supporters, and business income from its journals and magazines, including the Akahata newspaper. The finances of the JCP depend solely on the people.

Originally, political parties spread their policies to the people, who are the sovereign, and gain the support of the people to hold seats in parliament and carry out their activities. Their finances should be covered through activities among the people. Only in this way can the diverse voices of the people be reflected in politics.

The finances of the JCP, as described above, show the fallacy of arguments that insist on corporate donations.

Political donations are "the flip side of the freedom to vote in elections" (Supreme Court ruling in 1996), and are a right recognized only by the people, who are the sovereign. They are an important political activity of the people, and the greatest expression of support for political parties. If political parties want to receive donations from the people, they will not be able to carry out politics that go against the interests of the people.

However, companies are not sovereign, and corporate donations cannot be rationalized as political activities.

Companies are profit-making organizations whose original purpose is to make profits. If a company gives money to politics, it is natural that they demand something in return. Corporate donations are nothing more than a way for companies to use their economic power to exert influence on politics.

The Japan Business Federation has put forward "policies" such as reducing corporate taxes, cutting social security, and proposing an increase in the consumption tax, and encourages donations to political parties that fit these policies. Donations to implement policies that are convenient for companies are political bribery in themselves.

When the business world jumps to the forefront and pushes forward with bad government, what is needed is a party that can "speak its mind" to the business world. It is clear that the Japanese Communist Party, which relies on the people for finances and does not take a single yen from companies, is the party that is qualified to do so. (Tsukasa)

Reference: Communist Party website

It is written that the party will bring benefits to shareholders and Communist Party members.

A bird in a cage or a bird in shackles?

They are birds of a feather. Both have their own goals.

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