- 1988年: ブラックロック設立。債券運用に特化し、リスク管理を重視した投資戦略で顧客を獲得。
- 1992年: テクノロジー・プラットフォームAladdin®の開発を開始。Aladdin®は、後にブラックロックの資産運用の中核となるシステムへと発展。
- 1995年: 株式を含むオープン・エンド型ファンドの運用を開始し、ビジネスを多角化。
- 1999年: ニューヨーク証券取引所に上場。
- 2004年末: 運用資産残高は3,420億ドルに増加。
- 2006年: メリルリンチ投資顧問部門を買収し、運用資産残高が1兆ドルを突破。
- 2009年: バークレイズ・グローバル・インベスターズを買収し、世界最大の資産運用会社となる。
- 2023年末: 運用資産残高は約9兆ドルに達する。
ブラックロックは、Aladdin®の開発、iShares® ETFの提供、ESG投資への注力など、常に業界をリードする存在であり続けています。
ブラックロックは資産運用会社なので、世界中の様々な企業の株主になっています。ブラックロック自身が上場企業(NYSE: BLK)であり、その株主は主に機関投資家や個人投資家で構成されています。
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Amazon
- Alphabet (Google)
- Meta (Facebook)
- Nvidia
- JPMorgan Chase
- Bank of America
- Wells Fargo
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Johnson & Johnson
- Procter & Gamble
- Berkshire Hathaway
- Exxon Mobil
- UnitedHealth Group
- ブラックロックのウェブサイト: 特に、サステナビリティレポートや議決権行使報告書などをご参照ください。
- SEC(米国証券取引委員会)への提出書類: Form 13Fと呼ばれる報告書で、ブラックロックの保有株式の詳細が確認できます。
- 金融情報サービス: Bloomberg、FactSet、Refinitivなどのサービスで、ブラックロックの保有株式に関する情報が提供されています。
BlackRock was founded in New York in 1988 by eight partners. Initially focused on bond management, the company has since grown into the world's largest asset management company, managing a wide range of asset classes, including stocks, real estate, and alternative investments.
Let's look at BlackRock's history in several periods.
1988-1994: Founding period
1988: BlackRock is founded. It specializes in bond management and attracts clients with an investment strategy that emphasizes risk management.
1992: Development of the technology platform Aladdin® begins. Aladdin® later develops into the core system for BlackRock's asset management.
1995-2004: Diversification
1995: The company diversifies its business by starting to manage open-end funds, including stocks.
1999: The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
End of 2004: Assets under management increase to $342 billion.
2005-present: Global expansion and growth
2006: Acquires Merrill Lynch Investment Advisory Division, exceeding $1 trillion in assets under management.
2009: Acquires Barclays Global Investors, becoming the world's largest asset management company.
End of 2023: AUM will reach approximately $9 trillion.
BlackRock has always been a leader in the industry, developing Aladdin®, offering iShares® ETFs, and focusing on ESG investing.
For a detailed history, please visit BlackRock's website.
BlackRock History | Company Information - BlackRock: https://www.blackrock.com/jp/individual/ja/about-us/blackrock-history
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Because BlackRock is an asset management company, it is a shareholder of various companies around the world. BlackRock itself is a publicly traded company (NYSE: BLK), and its shareholders are mainly institutional and individual investors.
Please refer to the following sources for information on the shareholder structure of BlackRock.
Fintel: BLK - BlackRock Inc. Stock - Stock Price, Institutional Ownership, Shareholders (NYSE) - Fintel: https://fintel.io/ja/so/us/blk
On this page, you can check the major shareholders of BlackRock (institutional investors and funds).
In addition, BlackRock's subsidiary BlackRock Japan holds shares in many companies on the Japanese stock market. You can check the list of stocks held by BlackRock Japan in the following sources.
Buffett Code: List of stocks held by BlackRock Japan and their valuation | Buffett Code: https://www.buffett-code.com/shareholder/1be4d497f22f2ef012d83b034ec014d2
Please use these sources to find out more about which companies BlackRock holds as a shareholder.
BlackRock holds a large number of companies in the United States, including some of the most well-known large companies. Here are some of the major companies where BlackRock is a major shareholder:
Tech companies:
Alphabet (Google)
Meta (Facebook)
Financial companies:
JPMorgan Chase
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Johnson & Johnson
Procter & Gamble
Berkshire Hathaway
Exxon Mobil
UnitedHealth Group
These are just a few examples of companies where BlackRock is a shareholder.
You can find more information about BlackRock's holdings in the following sources:
BlackRock's website: Please refer to the sustainability report and proxy statement, among others.
SEC filings: The SEC filing, Form 13F, provides details about BlackRock's holdings.
Financial information services: Services such as Bloomberg, FactSet, and Refinitiv provide information about BlackRock's holdings.
Use these sources to find out more about which companies BlackRock owns in the US.