


  • 【第一子長兄編】兄弟姉妹構成での性格傾向について 2024年度版

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  • プライドが高い

  • 責任感が強い

  • 我慢強い

  • 面倒見が良い

  • 気が利く

  • 負けず嫌い

  • 行動力がある

  • 他人に甘えるのが下手

  • トラブルの仲裁役になる

  • おせっかい

  • 見栄を張る

  • 人から頼りにされると嬉しい

  • ストレスを感じやすい

  • 褒められるのが好き

  • 教え上手

  • 他人を頼るのが下手

  • 感情を出さないのが得意

  • 実家のしきたりに従う

  • 強がる

  • 根が優しい




  • リードしたがる

  • 子供扱いされるのを嫌がる

  • 恋愛の先に結婚を考えがち


  • 甘えるのが得意

  • 年下

  • 楽観的な性格









次回予告: 次回は真ん中っ子に焦点を当てて解説します。お楽しみに!

行動心理士 やまひろ


[Behavioral Psychologist's Perspective] Hidden Egotism? A Deep Dive into the Personalities and Behavioral Patterns of Firstborns, Middle Children, Youngest Children, and Only Children.

"The eldest child tends to be more nervous and tense than their younger siblings." This finding from a research group at Tokai University School of Medicine has garnered attention.

One possible factor contributing to this is the feeling of "being deprived of their mother's attention when a younger sibling is born," which can lead to psychological instability.

In this article, we will focus on firstborns, exploring their personality, behavioral patterns, and romantic tendencies in detail. You might discover surprising facts and insights into your compatibility with that special someone!

Firstborn Characteristics: Leadership Qualities and a Strong Sense of Responsibility

Firstborns tend to exhibit the following characteristics:

  • High pride

  • Strong sense of responsibility

  • Patient

  • Caring

  • Observant

  • Competitive

  • Proactive

  • Difficulty relying on others

  • Natural mediators

  • Meddlesome

  • Prone to showing off

  • Enjoy being relied upon

  • Prone to stress

  • Enjoy being praised

  • Good at teaching others

  • Difficulty asking for help

  • Good at hiding emotions

  • Tend to follow family traditions

  • Prone to acting tough

  • Fundamentally kind

These characteristics are believed to be influenced by experiences such as taking on leadership roles among siblings and parental expectations.

[Romance Edition] Firstborns Want to Lead! Who Are They Compatible With?

The romantic tendencies of firstborns are as follows:

  • They like to take the lead

  • They dislike being treated like a child

  • They tend to think about marriage in the context of a relationship

Based on these characteristics, women who are compatible with firstborns are:

  • Good at acting spoiled

  • Younger

  • Optimistic

Firstborns Live Longer? But Obesity is a Concern

Surprisingly, firstborns tend to live longer.

However, they also have a higher risk of obesity, so caution is necessary. Studies have even shown that firstborn daughters are 40% more likely to be obese than second-born daughters.

Conclusion: Firstborns are Dependable!

Firstborns are dependable individuals with a strong sense of responsibility and leadership abilities.

However, they can also be prone to stress, so those around them should treat them with kindness.

I hope this article has been informative for firstborns and those who interact with them.

Next Time: In the next article, we will focus on middle children. Stay tuned!

Behavioral Psychologist Yamahiro

Certified Psychologist: Child Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Mental Music Psychology Universal Manners 2nd Grade

