


  • 【第一子長女編】兄弟姉妹構成での性格傾向について 2024年度版

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  1. 我慢強い: 妹や弟がいる環境で育った長女は、我慢を強いられることが多かったかもしれません。「お姉ちゃんなんだから」という言葉に縛られ、自分を抑えてきた経験があるでしょう。

  2. 常にチャレンジする: 努力家で前向きな長女は、新しいことにチャレンジすることが大好きです。向上心があり、挑戦を楽しむ傾向にあります。

  3. 気を遣いやすい: 周囲に気を遣いすぎて、気疲れしてしまうことも。人間関係に疲れやすく、ストレスを溜めやすい一面も持ち合わせています。

  4. 面倒見が良い: 自分のことよりも周囲のことを優先し、率先して面倒を見てしまう傾向があります。

  5. 甘えるのが苦手: 甘えることは幼稚で、周囲に迷惑をかけることだと考えてしまう長女。幼少期の「しっかりしなさい」という言葉が影響しているのかもしれません。

  6. プライドが高い: 常に努力を重ねてきた長女は、プライドも高い傾向にあります。周囲からの期待に応えようと、さらにプライドが高くなることも。

  7. 真面目: 曲がったことが嫌いで、冗談や悪ふざけはしません。仕事面では信頼を得やすいですが、真面目すぎて窮屈に感じることも。

  8. 現実主義: 夢はあくまでも夢。リスクを背負って理想を追いかけるよりも、現実的に考えられる方向に進もうとします。

  9. 自分の弱い部分を見せない: プライドが高いため、つい強がってしまいます。素直に弱みを見せることが苦手です。

  10. 頼られると頑張るタイプ: 頼られることで、自分の能力を超えて努力するタイプ。世話好きで、頼ってもらえるような行動を自ら取ることも。

  11. 完璧主義: 厳しく育てられた経験から、自分にも他人にも厳しい評価を下しがち。完璧にできないと、ストレスを感じてしまうことも。

  12. 責任感が強い: 与えられた仕事や役務を中途半端にすることができません。周囲から途中でも良いと言われても、最後までやり遂げないと気が済まないことも。

  13. ストレスを溜めやすい: 周囲に気を遣いすぎるため、ストレスを溜めやすい傾向にあります。我慢を重ね、ストレス発散が苦手なため、心に病を抱えてしまうことも。

  14. 他人の評価が気になる: 周囲からの視線や評価を気にしてしまいます。自分の価値を他者からの評価に委ねていることも。

  15. 平和主義: 争いごとや競争が苦手で、穏便に済ませようとします。グループの中に長女がいると、場が丸く収まることが多いでしょう。









  • 素直に甘えてみましょう: 頼ったり甘えたりすることで、相手との絆が深まります。

  • 自分の気持ちを表現してみましょう: 相手に自分の気持ちを伝えることで、より深い関係を築くことができます。

  • 完璧主義を手放しましょう: 完璧主義は時にストレスの原因になります。肩の力を抜いて、リラックスすることも大切です。





  • 長寿である傾向: ベルギーの研究によると、男女ともに第一子が長生きする傾向があるそうです。

  • 太りやすい傾向: ニュージーランドの研究によると、長女は次女よりも成人後のBMI値が高く、肥満リスクも高い傾向があるそうです。



[Firstborn Daughters Edition]

About 90% of American astronauts are firstborns. 23 out of 43 US presidents are firstborns. 75% to 80% of students at Harvard, a top university, are firstborns. Firstborn women have been making remarkable strides recently. (Hillary Clinton and astronaut Chiaki Mukai) ⇒ Firstborn women tend to be serious and aim for high-level positions. They live the longest. A survey of about 500 people in Belgium found that both men and women who were firstborns lived longer. Firstborn daughters are 40% more likely to be overweight than second-born daughters. According to research from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, firstborn daughters are born lighter than second-born daughters, but their BMI at adulthood is 2.4% higher than second-born daughters, and their risk of obesity is 40% higher. In the case of the first child, the blood vessels in the mother's placenta are thin and cannot provide sufficient nutrition, so the baby is born small. It is thought that they try to get nutrition after birth, so they try to store fat and gain weight.

"High-status men" x "nurses" encounter [White Partners] Personality of the eldest daughter ■1. Patient I think there were many times when I had to put up with my younger siblings. Parents often say, "Because you're the older sister," which leads to the phrase "I have to be this way" or "I should be this way." You may even become ill from holding back too much, as you are the type of person who tries to make an effort in everything. ■2. Always challenging They tend to like to try new things. The eldest daughter, who is also a hard worker, has a positive attitude, so she always has the feeling that she wants to take on challenges. The eldest daughter, who is a reliable person, may enjoy challenging herself because she has a strong desire to improve herself. ■3. Easy to care for She is too considerate of others and gets tired. The eldest daughter unconsciously acts in a caring manner in order to meet the reactions and expectations of those around her. They tend to get tired of human relationships easily, and before they know it, they are accumulating stress. The eldest daughter does not assert herself, so she desperately tries to put together her opinions to match those around her, but often those around her do not notice this, and this causes stress. ■4. Caring No matter what, the eldest daughter tends to take care of things, so she is the type of person who takes the initiative in taking care of things and things that require a lot of work. And because she thinks about others more than herself, it's not uncommon for her to always put herself last. Since I was a child, it was a natural living environment, so even though I should originally express my own opinions and circumstances, I sometimes suppress my feelings and take care of them. ■5. Not good at spoiling They are not good at spoiling people. For the eldest daughter, spoiling is childish and she thinks it will cause trouble to others. To be spoiled means to rely on and need the other person, but the eldest daughter thinks that she has to manage it herself. This is because in the environment in which I grew up as a child, I was told that I had to be firm because I was the eldest daughter. ■6. High pride For the eldest daughter, who is always making an effort, it is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter to get angry every time she is made fun of or jokingly belittled by others because she has acted with pride. They have high self-esteem because they are hard workers, so they have high pride. If you are a reliable person and are expected by those around you, your pride will tend to be even higher. ■7. Serious She hates crooked things and never jokes or plays around. She is also the type of person who does not spare any effort in anything, so it is also characteristic that she has no gaps. I will never deviate from the framework I have decided on, so I have no experience of letting go of myself on the spur of the moment. In the workplace, etc., seriousness becomes an asset and earns trust, but being too serious can make you feel cramped. ■8. Realism Dreams are just dreams and end up being dreams. Compared to idealists and dreamers, they have no sense of adventure. Even if I think, "It would be nice if it were like this," I often can't put it into action. Rather than taking risks to get closer to what you dreamed of or idealized, there are times when you can only turn in a realistic direction. ■9. Don't show your weak side Because they have high pride, they tend to overdo it. Even in situations where I really want to cry because I'm so sad, I can't honestly show my weakness even if people around me worry about me and call out to me. Also, I want to avoid showing my weaknesses because it will lead to being seen as someone who can't do things properly. ■10. The type who works hard when relied on The eldest daughter is also the type of person who makes an effort beyond her ability by being relied on. Even if it's something you can't work hard on your own, if you're relied on, you'll think you have to do anything you can, even if you haven't done it before. She is also the type of person who demonstrates her true abilities when relied upon, and basically likes to take care of others, so she tends to act in a way that makes people want to rely on her. ■11. Perfectionist The eldest daughter, being the eldest child, is often raised strictly, and there are many cases where she imposes strict self-evaluation on herself. She also tries to keep her word, so when she can't do something properly, she tends to get very angry at herself. So, it is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter that she gets stressed if she can't perfectly do what she has decided or decided. ■12. Strong sense of responsibility It is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter that she cannot be irresponsible for her actions. You cannot do half-heartedly about the work or duties given to you. Even if people around you tell you that it's okay to stop halfway, there are times when you don't feel comfortable unless you do it to the point where you decide. ■13. Easy to accumulate stress The eldest daughter is too considerate of those around her, so she tends to accumulate stress. Even if you have something in your mind, you can't tell the other person how you feel. Even in relationships at work, there are many things to put up with, and there is a tendency to make an effort, and many people end up suffering from mental illness later on because they are not good at relieving stress. ■14. Concerned about other people's evaluations They tend to be concerned about the eyes of those around them and how they are viewed and evaluated. The eldest daughter is unable to find value in herself, and by being recognized as valuable by others, she connects it to her own social evaluation. The reason why you are careful about your words and actions is because you are concerned about the evaluation of others, and you cannot express your own opinion. ■15. Pacifism She is not good at fighting or competing with others, and it is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter that she tries to calm the atmosphere when there is trouble. She tries to settle things peacefully without making things worse, so if it's a group, etc., having the eldest daughter can make things go smoothly. It is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter to try to resolve everything peacefully. [Romance & Marriage]

What kind of person do you like, and what kind of person do you marry? These also depend on whether you are the eldest daughter, and there are characteristics of the men you date and your dating tendencies. Depending on your sibling status and the environment in which you grew up, even your romantic tendencies will differ. ■1. Make a man indulge The eldest daughter is a reliable person no matter what, so she will take care of everything for her partner. No matter how independent a man is, if he can do it for him, he will indulge himself, and as the relationship continues, he will take it for granted, so men who date the eldest daughter will not do it themselves. Instead of doing it, you will become spoiled and stop doing it yourself. ■2. Weak against pushy people She can't refuse even if she's told, and it's also a characteristic of the eldest daughter that she suppresses her own opinions. It is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter to respond to the voice when a man actively approaches her. Even if he is not the type of man she likes, it is difficult to refuse, so it is also common in the eldest daughter's romance to start dating for the time being. ■3. There is also a henpecked place She is also the type to lead a man by the nose, and after marriage, she will give various instructions. It is said that a household can live more peacefully if a woman is in charge rather than a man. ■4. Strong motherhood The reason why she tends to like men who can't be left alone, like younger men, is because the eldest daughter has strong motherhood. It is also a characteristic of the eldest daughter that she has a motherly temperament that is unique to women and was born with. Even when she

