


  • ドキドキは同じ?吊り橋は否定された? 効果の最新事情 2024年度版

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「ドキドキは同じ」という心理現象、吊り橋効果をご存知ですか? これは、不安や恐怖を感じているときに、恋愛感情を抱きやすくなるというものです。








  1. 再現性の問題: ダットンとアロンのオリジナルの研究以降、同様の結果が得られた実験は多くありません。実験の状況や参加者の属性によって結果が大きく異なり、一貫した効果を確認することが難しかったのです。

  2. ドキドキの誤帰属: 吊り橋効果は、ドキドキの原因を誤って相手に帰属してしまうことが前提となっています。しかし、人は状況を認知する能力が高く、ドキドキの原因を正確に判断できる場合が多いと考えられています。

  3. 恋愛感情の複雑性: 恋愛感情は、ドキドキする感情だけで説明できるほど単純なものではありません。相手への尊敬、共感、価値観の一致など、様々な要素が絡み合って生まれます。



Is Every Heart-Pounding Moment the Same? The Latest on the "Suspension Bridge Effect"

Have you heard of the psychological phenomenon known as the "suspension bridge effect"? It suggests that we are more likely to develop romantic feelings when we are experiencing anxiety or fear.

What is the Suspension Bridge Effect?

The famous 1974 experiment by Dutton and Aron is often cited. Men interviewed on a swaying suspension bridge were more likely to contact the female interviewer afterward compared to men interviewed in a less anxiety-inducing setting. This was interpreted as the men misattributing the physiological arousal from the bridge to attraction towards the woman.

Utilizing the Suspension Bridge Effect

If you're planning a date, consider a haunted house at an amusement park or a suspenseful movie. Creating a thrilling situation might help to elevate romantic feelings.

What Does Recent Research Say...?

However, recent research has cast doubt on the suspension bridge effect. It seems that experiencing a heart-pounding situation doesn't necessarily translate directly into romantic feelings.

The reasons why recent research refutes the suspension bridge effect are primarily as follows:

  • Issues with reproducibility: Since the original Dutton and Aron study, not many experiments have been able to replicate the same results. The outcomes varied significantly depending on the experimental conditions and the attributes of the participants, making it difficult to confirm a consistent effect.

  • Misattribution of arousal: The suspension bridge effect assumes that people misattribute the cause of their physiological arousal to the person they are with. However, humans have a good ability to perceive their surroundings and can often accurately identify the source of their excitement.

  • The complexity of romantic feelings: Romantic feelings are not as simple as to be explained solely by physiological arousal. They involve various factors such as respect, empathy, and shared values.

Because of these reasons, it is now believed that while the suspension bridge effect may temporarily enhance romantic feelings under certain circumstances, it's not a universal phenomenon.

