


  • 【握りこぶしをつくる】行動心理士・仕草について2024年度版

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1. 親指が握りこまれているタイプ



  • 積極性と自信:彼らは自分の考えや意見をしっかりと持ち、それを表現することに躊躇しません。そのため、周囲を巻き込み、物事を動かす力を持っています。

  • 責任感の強さ:リーダーシップがあり、周囲から頼られることに喜びを感じます。責任感も強く、自分が引き受けたことは最後までやり遂げようとするでしょう。

  • 外交性:人とコミュニケーションを取ることが得意で、新しい環境にもすぐに馴染むことができます。社交的で、多くの人と関わることを好みます。

  • チャレンジ精神:現状維持に満足せず、常に新しいことに挑戦しようとする意欲に溢れています。困難な状況にも臆することなく、積極的に立ち向かっていくでしょう。


  • 自信過剰になり、周囲の意見に耳を傾けなくなる可能性があります。

  • 行動力がある反面、衝動的な行動をとってしまうことも。

  • 周囲を引っ張っていくことに固執しすぎて、一人で抱え込みすぎてしまうことも。

2. 親指が薬指まで掛かっているタイプ



  • 高いコミュニケーション能力:周囲の状況や人の気持ちを察するのが得意で、円滑な人間関係を築くことができます。

  • 協調性:自分の意見を主張するだけでなく、相手の意見にも耳を傾け、バランスをとることを大切にします。

  • 柔軟性:状況に合わせて柔軟に対応することができ、臨機応変に行動することができます。

  • 平和主義:争いごとを嫌い、穏やかな雰囲気を好む傾向があります。


  • 周囲に合わせすぎて、自分の意見を押し殺してしまう可能性があります。

  • 八方美人になり、誰にでも良い顔をしてしまうことも。

  • konfliktを避けようとするあまり、問題を先送りにしてしまうことも。

3. 親指が人差し指まで掛かっているタイプ



  • 優しさと思いやり:周りの人の気持ちを考え、優しく接することができます。

  • 協調性:周囲との調和を大切にし、争いごとを嫌います。

  • 感受性:繊細で、周りの状況や人の感情に敏感に反応します。

  • 謙虚さ:自己主張することが苦手で、控えめな態度をとる傾向があります。


  • 自信がなく、自分の意見を言えないことがあります。

  • 周囲に流されやすく、相手に合わせすぎてしまうことも。

  • 傷つきやすく、ネガティブな感情に支配されやすい傾向も。




行動心理カウンセラー やまひろ

A Word from Behavioral Psychology Counselor Yamahiro: What Your Fist Says About You

People who make a fist tend to be confident!

People unconsciously express their emotions and personality through their body language. One example is how you make a fist. While often associated with anger, the way you clench your fist can actually reveal insights into your personality and behavioral patterns.

Let's delve into three personality types based on how you form a fist.

1. The Thumb-Tucked Fist

Traits: Action-oriented, extroverted, enjoys being relied upon, natural leader.

This type clenches their fist with the thumb tucked tightly under the other four fingers, symbolizing a strong will and drive.

  • Proactive and Confident: They have strong opinions and aren't afraid to express them. This empowers them to influence others and make things happen.

  • Strong Sense of Responsibility: With natural leadership qualities, they thrive when others depend on them. They possess a strong sense of responsibility and see tasks through to completion.

  • Extroverted: They enjoy interacting with people and adapt easily to new environments. Their sociable nature drives them to connect with a wide range of individuals.

  • Challenge-Seeking: Not content with the status quo, they constantly seek new challenges. They face difficulties head-on with courage and enthusiasm.

However, this type may:

  • Become overconfident and dismissive of others' opinions.

  • Act impulsively due to their action-oriented nature.

  • Take on too much responsibility and become overwhelmed.

2. The Thumb-Over-Ring-Finger Fist

Traits: Sociable, calm, good at reading the room, excels at building relationships.

This type places their thumb over their ring finger when making a fist, indicating a personality that values harmony and balance.

  • Excellent Communication Skills: They are adept at understanding social dynamics and people's emotions, enabling them to build strong relationships.

  • Cooperative: They value others' opinions and strive for compromise, balancing their own needs with those of others.

  • Flexible: They adapt easily to different situations and can adjust their approach as needed.

  • Peace-loving: They dislike conflict and prefer to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

However, this type may:

  • Suppress their own opinions to avoid conflict.

  • Become people-pleasers, trying to please everyone at their own expense.

  • Avoid addressing problems directly to maintain peace.

3. The Thumb-Over-Index-Finger Fist

Traits: Kind, reserved, unassertive, quiet.

This type gently curls their thumb over their index finger, reflecting a sensitive and empathetic personality.

  • Kindness and Empathy: They are considerate of others' feelings and treat people with kindness.

  • Cooperative: They value harmony and avoid conflict.

  • Sensitive: They are perceptive and in tune with their surroundings and people's emotions.

  • Modest: They tend to be unassuming and prefer to keep a low profile.

However, this type may:

  • Lack confidence and struggle to express their opinions.

  • Be easily influenced by others and overly accommodating.

  • Be easily hurt and prone to negativity.

In Conclusion

While the way you make a fist isn't a definitive personality test, it offers a glimpse into your subconscious tendencies and behavioral patterns.

Observe how you form a fist and pay attention to how others do the same. You might be surprised by what you discover.

Behavioral Psychology Counselor Yamahiro

