AI 心理学・性格・傾向 情報

【机をトントンする】行動心理・仕草について 2024年度版

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1. impatience(焦り・苛立ち)


  • 例:待ち合わせ時間に遅刻してきた友人を待つ間、テーブルを指でトントンと叩く。
  • 例:行列に並んで順番を待つ間、スマートフォンを操作しながらも、もう片方の手でテーブルを軽く叩く。


2. boredom(退屈)


  • 例:長時間の会議中、発表者の話を聞きながらも、無意識に指で机をトントンと叩く。
  • 例:大学の講義中、教授の話を聞き流しながら、ペンで机をトントンと叩く。


3. anxiety(不安・緊張)


  • 例:就職面接の待合室で、緊張しながら机を指でトントンと叩く。
  • 例:プレゼンテーション前、順番を待つ間、落ち着かない様子で机を叩く。


4. habit(癖)


  • 例:考え事をするとき、無意識に机をトントンと叩く。
  • 例:リラックスしているとき、何気なく机を指で叩く。


5. thinking(思考中)


  • 例:難しい問題を解いているとき、机を指で軽く叩きながら思考を巡らせる。
  • 例:新しいアイデアを練っているとき、机をペンでリズミカルに叩く。


6. unconscious action(無意識の行動)


  • 例:話を聞いているとき、相槌を打つ代わりに机をトントンと叩く。
  • 例:何かを待っている間、手持ち無沙汰で机を叩く。


7. emphasis(強調)


  • 例:重要なポイントを説明する際に、机をトントンと叩いて強調する。
  • 例:相手に真剣に聞いてほしいときに、机を叩いて注意を促す。


8. communication(コミュニケーション)


  • 例:相手に席を譲ってほしいときに、軽く机を叩いて合図する。
  • 例:静かな場所で相手に気づいてほしいときに、机をトントンと叩く。



  • 机を叩く音が好きで、その音を楽しむために叩いている人もいます。
  • ストレスを感じているとき、机を叩くことでストレスを発散させている人もいます。






  • ジョー・ナヴァロ『FBI捜査官が教える「しぐさ」の心理学』
  • ポール・エクマン『顔は口ほどに嘘をつく』


  • 上記は一般的な解釈であり、必ずしもすべての人に当てはまるわけではありません。
  • 文化や個人の性格によって、解釈が異なる場合があります。
  • 机を叩く行為以外にも、相手の心理状態を読み取るためのサインはたくさんあります。

The Psychology and Meaning Behind Desk Tapping

Tapping your fingers on a desk might seem like an insignificant action, but it can actually reveal a lot about a person’s underlying psychological state. Here’s a breakdown of the possible meanings behind this common behavior:

1. Impatience or Frustration

One of the most common reasons people tap their fingers on a desk is to express impatience or frustration, often when waiting for someone or something.

  • Example: Tapping on the table while waiting for a late friend.
  • Example: Lightly drumming fingers on a table while waiting in line, even while looking at a phone.

The speed and intensity of the tapping can indicate the level of impatience or frustration. Faster and harder taps generally signal greater impatience.

2. Boredom

Desk tapping can also be a sign of boredom, especially during long meetings or lectures.

  • Example: Absentmindedly tapping on the desk during a lengthy meeting, even while seemingly listening to the speaker.
  • Example: Tapping a pen on the desk during a lecture while not paying close attention.

In this context, tapping may be a way to subtly move the body and fight off sleepiness or mental fatigue.

3. Anxiety or Nervousness

In stressful situations like job interviews or presentations, desk tapping can be a way to relieve anxiety or nervousness.

  • Example: Anxiously tapping fingers on a desk in a waiting room before a job interview.
  • Example: Nervously tapping on the desk while waiting to give a presentation.

This behavior can be seen as a self-soothing mechanism, an attempt to release pent-up nervous energy.

4. Habit

Sometimes, desk tapping is simply a habit without any particular meaning.

  • Example: Unconsciously tapping on the desk while thinking.
  • Example: Casually tapping fingers on the desk while relaxing.

In these cases, the action is often performed without conscious thought and doesn’t hold any special significance.

5. Thinking

Some people tap on their desks to improve concentration or organize their thoughts while thinking.

  • Example: Lightly tapping on the desk while trying to solve a difficult problem.
  • Example: Rhythmically tapping a pen on the desk while brainstorming new ideas.

Here, the tapping may act as a rhythmic stimulant to aid the thinking process.

6. Unconscious Action

Desk tapping can also be an unconscious action performed without any specific intent.

  • Example: Tapping on the desk instead of verbally responding during a conversation.
  • Example: Mindlessly tapping on the desk while waiting for something.

While seemingly meaningless, these unconscious actions can still offer subtle clues about a person’s personality or current mood.

7. Emphasis

Some individuals tap on the desk to emphasize a point or get someone’s attention.

  • Example: Tapping on the desk to underscore an important point during a discussion.
  • Example: Tapping on the desk to get someone to pay attention.

In these instances, tapping serves as a non-verbal way to strengthen a message or ensure it’s being heard.

8. Communication

Desk tapping can also be used as a form of non-verbal communication.

  • Example: Gently tapping on a desk to ask someone to move over.
  • Example: Tapping on a desk to get someone’s attention in a quiet environment.

Here, the tapping acts as a substitute for words, conveying a simple message.

Other Possibilities:

  • Some people simply enjoy the sound of tapping and do it for sensory pleasure.
  • Tapping can also be a way to release stress or nervous energy.

Important Note:

While desk tapping can be a harmless habit, it’s important to be mindful of the context. In public spaces or quiet environments, excessive tapping can be distracting or even annoying to others.


Even a simple act like tapping on a desk can have a variety of meanings and motivations behind it. By paying attention to the context, the person’s facial expressions, and the way they tap, you can gain valuable insights into their psychological state. However, it’s crucial to remember that desk tapping is just one piece of the puzzle, and it’s essential to consider other cues and behaviors to get a complete understanding of a person’s thoughts and feelings.


  • Joe Navarro: What Every BODY is Saying
  • Paul Ekman: Telling Lies


  • These interpretations are general and may not apply to everyone.
  • Cultural and individual differences can influence the meaning of desk tapping.
  • There are many other non-verbal cues that can help you understand a person’s psychological state.


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