AI サイエンス デジタル






  • 低コストで短期間に大きな注目を集めることができる
  • 既存の顧客層だけでなく、新たな顧客層を獲得できる可能性がある
  • 話題性が高まることで、メディアに取り上げられやすくなる


  • 企業やブランドのイメージが大きく損なわれるリスクがある
  • 一時的な注目を集めることはできても、長期的な信頼関係を築くことは難しい
  • 炎上が制御不能になり、社会的な問題に発展する可能性がある
  • 法律や倫理に抵触する行為は、法的責任を問われる可能性がある


  • 芸能人やインフルエンサーによる過激な発言や行動
  • 企業による不適切な広告やプロモーション
  • 政治家や団体による扇情的な発言や活動




  • ローガン・ポール


  • ピューディパイ


  • ドナルド・トランプ



  • DHC


  • はれのひ





  • シバター


  • コレコレ


  • ガーシー






  • はじめしゃちょー


  • フワちゃん




What is Flame Marketing?

Flame marketing is a marketing technique that aims to increase public recognition and sales by intentionally attracting public criticism and resentment through radical words and actions, sensational advertising, etc.

Advantages of Flame Marketing

Can attract a lot of attention in a short period of time at low cost

Possibility of acquiring new customers in addition to existing customers

Increased topicality makes it easier for the media to cover it

Disadvantages of Flame Marketing

There is a risk that the image of the company or brand will be significantly damaged

Even if it can attract temporary attention, it is difficult to build a long-term relationship of trust

The flame can get out of control and develop into a social problem

Actions that violate laws and ethics may result in legal liability

Examples of Flame Marketing

Extreme statements and actions by celebrities and influencers

Inappropriate advertising and promotions by companies

Sensational statements and activities by politicians and organizations

Points to note about Flame Marketing

Flame marketing may be effective in the short term, but it is a method that poses great risks to companies and brands in the long term. When engaging in flame marketing, it is necessary to fully understand the risks and consider them carefully. In addition, care must be taken from an ethical point of view to ensure that flame marketing does not exceed the limits of social acceptability.

There are many people who have become famous through flame marketing, but here are some of them.

Logan Paul

American YouTuber. In 2017, he posted a video of a suicide victim’s body in Aokigahara Jukai in Japan, which drew worldwide criticism.


Swedish YouTuber. He has repeatedly made racist remarks and actions in the past, causing repeated flame wars.

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States. His radical remarks and policies have always caused controversy, dividing supporters and opponents.

[Companies and brands]


A cosmetics company. In 2020, it posted discriminatory text against competitors and Korean residents in Japan on its official website, causing a major uproar.

Hare no Hi

A rental and sales company for furisode. In 2018, the store suddenly closed on the day of the Coming of Age Ceremony, leaving many new adults unable to wear their formal attire.

As these examples show, while flame marketing can attract temporary attention, it also carries a high risk of losing long-term trust.

There are Japanese influencers who have temporarily gained fame through flame marketing, but their evaluations vary depending on the definition of “success.”

In terms of short-term attention and buzz,


A YouTuber who repeatedly makes extreme statements and causes flames.


A YouTuber known for his expose-type broadcasts.


A former member of the House of Councilors who became a politician through expose-type broadcasts and was later expelled.

It can be said that all of them attracted attention using flame marketing techniques and achieved a certain degree of success. However, questions remain regarding their long-term trust and image building.

On the other hand, there are many influencers who have been successful by steadily gaining fans using methods other than flame marketing.


A top YouTuber in Japan.

Hajime Shacho

A popular YouTuber with experimental videos.


A free-spirited personality and a talent who is active in variety shows.

They have no connection to flame wars, yet are supported by many people.

Whether or not you can say that flame war marketing has been successful depends on your definition of success, but from a long-term perspective, it is highly unlikely that flame war marketing can necessarily be called successful.


mark 3p1000

サイエンス デジタル 広告 情報

ひまそらあかね 東京都知事選

【YOUTUBE 2つ抜粋】




IMG 3595
IMG 3596
IMG 3597

IMG 3598


リンク先:ひまそらあかね X












① Eliminate public money sucking

② Make Tokyo digitally entertaining

③ We will not accept any political donations.

No personal donations, no corporate donations, no political fundraising parties

It’s getting interesting, the pledges are easy to understand.

I’ve seen all the previous videos and X. Very interesting!!

It’s been a while since I’ve felt so excited. The movements of the pseudo-conservatives are also interesting to watch.





サイエンス 情報




  • 定義: 化学的に合成された肥料や農薬を使用せず、遺伝子組み換え技術も利用しない農業。自然の力を活かし、環境への負荷を低減することを目指します。
  • 認証: 農林水産省が定めるJAS規格に適合し、有機JASマークを取得した農産物が「有機農産物」と認められます。
  • 農薬: 化学合成農薬は使用できませんが、天然由来の農薬や微生物農薬など、JAS規格で認められた農薬は使用可能です。
  • 肥料: 化学肥料は使用できませんが、堆肥や緑肥など、自然由来の肥料を使用します。


  • 定義: 農薬を一切使用しない農業。
  • 認証: 無農薬であることを証明する公的な認証制度はありません。
  • 農薬: 一切使用できません。
  • 肥料: 特に規定はありませんが、有機農法と同様に自然由来の肥料を使用する場合が多いです。


特徴 有機農法 無農薬農法
定義 化学合成農薬・肥料不使用、遺伝子組み換え不使用 農薬不使用
認証 有機JASマーク 無し (民間団体による認証はあり)
農薬 JAS規格で認められた農薬は使用可能 一切使用不可
肥料 自然由来の肥料 特に規定なし (自然由来の肥料を使用する場合が多い)


  • 有機農法は、無農薬であること以上の厳しい基準をクリアしています。
  • 無農薬を謳っていても、栽培方法によっては必ずしも環境負荷が低いとは限りません。
  • 「有機農法」と「無農薬農法」のどちらが良いかは、個人の価値観や考え方によって異なります。


Organic farming and pesticide-free farming are both environmentally friendly agricultural methods, but there are some differences.

**Organic farming**

* **Definition:** Agriculture that does not use chemically synthesized fertilizers or pesticides, and does not use genetic engineering. It aims to utilize the power of nature and reduce the burden on the environment.

* **Certification:** Agricultural products that meet the JAS standards set by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and have acquired the organic JAS mark are recognized as “organic agricultural products”.

* **Pesticides:** Chemically synthesized pesticides cannot be used, but pesticides approved by the JAS standards, such as natural pesticides and microbial pesticides, can be used.

* **Fertilizers:** Chemical fertilizers cannot be used, but fertilizers of natural origin such as compost and green manure are used.

**Pesticide-free farming**

* **Definition:** Agriculture that does not use any pesticides.

* **Certification:** There is no official certification system to prove that it is pesticide-free.

* **Pesticides:** None can be used.
* **Fertilizer:** There are no specific regulations, but like organic farming, natural fertilizers are often used.


| Characteristics | Organic farming | Pesticide-free farming |
| ——– | ————————————————————————————– | —————————————————————— |
| Definition | No synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, no genetically modified organisms | No pesticides |
| Certification | Organic JAS mark | None (certification by private organizations available) |
| Pesticides | Pesticides approved by JAS standards can be used | Not allowed at all |
| Fertilizer | Natural fertilizer | No specific regulations (natural fertilizers are often used) |


* **Organic farming meets stricter standards than just being pesticide-free. **
* **Even if it claims to be pesticide-free, it does not necessarily have a low environmental impact depending on the cultivation method. **
* **Whether “organic farming” or “pesticide-free farming” is better depends on the individual’s values ​​and way of thinking. **

If you want to know more, please refer to the following websites.



mark 3p1000


AI サイエンス デジタル 広告






  • 1988年: ブラックロック設立。債券運用に特化し、リスク管理を重視した投資戦略で顧客を獲得。
  • 1992年: テクノロジー・プラットフォームAladdin®の開発を開始。Aladdin®は、後にブラックロックの資産運用の中核となるシステムへと発展。


  • 1995年: 株式を含むオープン・エンド型ファンドの運用を開始し、ビジネスを多角化。
  • 1999年: ニューヨーク証券取引所に上場。
  • 2004年末: 運用資産残高は3,420億ドルに増加。


  • 2006年: メリルリンチ投資顧問部門を買収し、運用資産残高が1兆ドルを突破。
  • 2009年: バークレイズ・グローバル・インベスターズを買収し、世界最大の資産運用会社となる。
  • 2023年末: 運用資産残高は約9兆ドルに達する。

ブラックロックは、Aladdin®の開発、iShares® ETFの提供、ESG投資への注力など、常に業界をリードする存在であり続けています。



ブラックロックは資産運用会社なので、世界中の様々な企業の株主になっています。ブラックロック自身が上場企業(NYSE: BLK)であり、その株主は主に機関投資家や個人投資家で構成されています。


  • Fintel: BLK – ブラックロック株式会社 株式 – 株価、機関投資家所有、株主 (NYSE) – Fintel: https://fintel.io/ja/so/us/blk






  • Apple
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • Alphabet (Google)
  • Meta (Facebook)
  • Nvidia


  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Bank of America
  • Wells Fargo
  • Visa
  • Mastercard


  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Exxon Mobil
  • UnitedHealth Group



  • ブラックロックのウェブサイト: 特に、サステナビリティレポートや議決権行使報告書などをご参照ください。
  • SEC(米国証券取引委員会)への提出書類: Form 13Fと呼ばれる報告書で、ブラックロックの保有株式の詳細が確認できます。
  • 金融情報サービス: Bloomberg、FactSet、Refinitivなどのサービスで、ブラックロックの保有株式に関する情報が提供されています。


BlackRock was founded in New York in 1988 by eight partners. Initially focused on bond management, the company has since grown into the world’s largest asset management company, managing a wide range of asset classes, including stocks, real estate, and alternative investments.

Let’s look at BlackRock’s history in several periods.

1988-1994: Founding period

1988: BlackRock is founded. It specializes in bond management and attracts clients with an investment strategy that emphasizes risk management.

1992: Development of the technology platform Aladdin® begins. Aladdin® later develops into the core system for BlackRock’s asset management.

1995-2004: Diversification

1995: The company diversifies its business by starting to manage open-end funds, including stocks.

1999: The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

End of 2004: Assets under management increase to $342 billion.

2005-present: Global expansion and growth

2006: Acquires Merrill Lynch Investment Advisory Division, exceeding $1 trillion in assets under management.

2009: Acquires Barclays Global Investors, becoming the world’s largest asset management company.

End of 2023: AUM will reach approximately $9 trillion.

BlackRock has always been a leader in the industry, developing Aladdin®, offering iShares® ETFs, and focusing on ESG investing.

For a detailed history, please visit BlackRock’s website.

BlackRock History | Company Information – BlackRock: https://www.blackrock.com/jp/individual/ja/about-us/blackrock-history

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Because BlackRock is an asset management company, it is a shareholder of various companies around the world. BlackRock itself is a publicly traded company (NYSE: BLK), and its shareholders are mainly institutional and individual investors.

Please refer to the following sources for information on the shareholder structure of BlackRock.

Fintel: BLK – BlackRock Inc. Stock – Stock Price, Institutional Ownership, Shareholders (NYSE) – Fintel: https://fintel.io/ja/so/us/blk

On this page, you can check the major shareholders of BlackRock (institutional investors and funds).

In addition, BlackRock’s subsidiary BlackRock Japan holds shares in many companies on the Japanese stock market. You can check the list of stocks held by BlackRock Japan in the following sources.

Buffett Code: List of stocks held by BlackRock Japan and their valuation | Buffett Code: https://www.buffett-code.com/shareholder/1be4d497f22f2ef012d83b034ec014d2

Please use these sources to find out more about which companies BlackRock holds as a shareholder.

BlackRock holds a large number of companies in the United States, including some of the most well-known large companies. Here are some of the major companies where BlackRock is a major shareholder:

Tech companies:

Alphabet (Google)
Meta (Facebook)

Financial companies:

JPMorgan Chase
Bank of America
Wells Fargo


Johnson & Johnson
Procter & Gamble
Berkshire Hathaway
Exxon Mobil
UnitedHealth Group

These are just a few examples of companies where BlackRock is a shareholder.

You can find more information about BlackRock’s holdings in the following sources:

BlackRock’s website: Please refer to the sustainability report and proxy statement, among others.

SEC filings: The SEC filing, Form 13F, provides details about BlackRock’s holdings.

Financial information services: Services such as Bloomberg, FactSet, and Refinitiv provide information about BlackRock’s holdings.

Use these sources to find out more about which companies BlackRock owns in the US.


mark 3p1000


AI 効果 広告 心理学・性格・傾向 情報






  • 目的: 商品やサービスの販売促進、ブランドイメージの向上など、直接的な利益の獲得を目的とします。
  • 手法: テレビCM、新聞広告、雑誌広告、Web広告、SNS広告など、費用を払ってメディアに情報を掲載します。
  • 特徴:
    • 情報のコントロールが可能で、伝えたいメッセージを自由に表現できます。
    • 広告であることが明示されており、消費者もそれを認識しています。
    • 即効性があり、短期間で効果が期待できます。
    • 費用がかかります。



  • 目的: 企業や組織の理解促進、信頼感の向上、良好な関係の構築など、間接的な利益の獲得を目的とします。
  • 手法: プレスリリース、メディアリレーション、イベント開催、SNS運用など、メディアやステークホルダーに対して情報を発信します。
  • 特徴:
    • メディアに取り上げられることで、第三者からの客観的な評価を得られます。
    • 広告よりも信頼性が高く、消費者に受け入れられやすいです。
    • 効果が出るまでに時間がかかる場合がありますが、長期的な視点で見た場合に大きな効果が期待できます。
    • 広告に比べて費用を抑えることができます。


区分 広告 広報
目的 直接的な利益の獲得 間接的な利益の獲得
手法 有料メディアへの掲載 メディアやステークホルダーへの情報発信
特徴 コントロール可能、即効性あり、費用がかかる 信頼性が高い、長期的な効果、費用を抑えられる




Both advertising and public relations are ways for companies and organizations to disseminate information, but there are big differences in their objectives and methods.


* **Objective:** The aim is to obtain direct benefits, such as promoting the sales of products and services and improving brand image.
* **Method:** Information is posted in the media, such as TV commercials, newspaper ads, magazine ads, web ads, and SNS ads, for a fee.
* **Characteristics:**
* Information can be controlled, and the message you want to convey can be expressed freely.
* It is clearly stated that it is an advertisement, and consumers are aware of this.
* It is effective immediately, and you can expect results in a short period of time.
* It costs money.

**Public Relations**

* **Objective:** The aim is to obtain indirect benefits, such as promoting understanding of companies and organizations, improving trust, and building good relationships.
* **Method:** Information is disseminated to the media and stakeholders through press releases, media relations, holding events, and SNS management.
* **Characteristics:**
* Being featured in the media allows you to obtain objective evaluation from third parties.
* It is more reliable than advertising and is more easily accepted by consumers.
* It may take some time to see results, but it can be expected to have a great effect in the long term.
* It can be less expensive than advertising.


| Classification | Advertising | Public relations |
| Purpose | Direct benefits | Indirect benefits |
| Method | Paid media | Information transmission to media and stakeholders |
| Characteristics | Controllable, immediate effect, costly | High reliability, long-term effect, cost-saving |

Advertising and public relations each have different purposes and characteristics. Neither is superior, so it is important to understand the characteristics of each and use them according to the purpose.

For example, when launching a new product, it is effective to intensively transmit information through advertising and increase awareness. On the other hand, to improve a company’s image, it is important to transmit information about social contribution activities and CSR activities through public relations and increase trust.

Combining advertising and public relations makes it possible to transmit information more effectively.


mark 3p1000


AI 心理学・性格・傾向 情報 歴史







  • 株式の発行: 株式会社は、株式と呼ばれる小さな単位に分割された所有権を発行します。株式を購入した人(株主)は、会社の所有者の一員となります。
  • 有限責任: 株主は、自分が購入した株式の金額までしか責任を負いません。たとえ会社が倒産しても、株主個人の財産がそれ以上取られることはありません。
  • 資金調達: 株式を発行することで、多くの投資家から資金を集めることができます。
  • 経営と所有の分離: 株主は会社の所有者ですが、必ずしも経営に参加するわけではありません。経営は、株主が選任した取締役が行います。



  • 公開会社: 株式を証券取引所に上場し、不特定多数の投資家に自由に売買できるようにしている会社。
  • 非公開会社: 株式を上場せず、特定の少数の人だけが株主となっている会社。





  • 事業活動を通じて、社会に価値を提供する
  • 雇用を創出し、経済発展に貢献する
  • 株主への利益還元を通じて、投資家を豊かにする
  • 地域社会との共生を図り、持続可能な社会の実現に貢献する





 〈問い〉日本共産党は「財界・大企業から一円も受け取っていない」と主張しています。収入はどうやって成り立っているのですか。 (神奈川・一読者)















What is a corporation?

A corporation (kabushikigaisha) is a type of business structure established under the Japanese Companies Act.


Issuance of stocks: A corporation issues ownership rights divided into small units called shares. People who purchase shares (shareholders) become part of the company’s owners.
Limited liability: Shareholders are only liable up to the amount of the shares they purchased. Even if the company goes bankrupt, shareholders’ personal assets will not be taken any more.
Funding: By issuing stocks, funds can be raised from many investors.
Separation of management and ownership: Shareholders are the owners of the company, but they do not necessarily participate in management. Management is carried out by directors appointed by the shareholders.


There are two types of corporations:

Public company: A company whose shares are listed on the stock exchange and can be freely bought and sold by an unspecified number of investors.
Private company: A company whose shares are not listed on the stock exchange and whose shareholders are only a specific few people.
Purpose of a corporation

The purpose of a corporation is defined in Article 1 of the Companies Act as “a for-profit incorporated association.”

This means that a corporation is an organization whose purpose is to pursue profits. However, it is considered important to not only pursue profits, but also to contribute to society.

Specific objectives include the following:

Provide value to society through business activities
Create jobs and contribute to economic development
Enrich investors by returning profits to shareholders
Contribute to coexistence with local communities and realizing a sustainable society


Corporations are important players in economic activities and have a great impact on society. It is important to understand the purpose of corporations and correctly recognize their role.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Companies Act and related books.

What is the Communist Party?

Question: The Japanese Communist Party claims that it has not received a single yen from the business world or large corporations. How does it make money? (A reader from Kanagawa Prefecture)

Answer: The Japanese Communist Party’s income comes from party dues paid by party members, personal donations from party members and supporters, and business income from its journals and magazines, including the Akahata newspaper. The finances of the JCP depend solely on the people.

Originally, political parties spread their policies to the people, who are the sovereign, and gain the support of the people to hold seats in parliament and carry out their activities. Their finances should be covered through activities among the people. Only in this way can the diverse voices of the people be reflected in politics.

The finances of the JCP, as described above, show the fallacy of arguments that insist on corporate donations.

Political donations are “the flip side of the freedom to vote in elections” (Supreme Court ruling in 1996), and are a right recognized only by the people, who are the sovereign. They are an important political activity of the people, and the greatest expression of support for political parties. If political parties want to receive donations from the people, they will not be able to carry out politics that go against the interests of the people.

However, companies are not sovereign, and corporate donations cannot be rationalized as political activities.

Companies are profit-making organizations whose original purpose is to make profits. If a company gives money to politics, it is natural that they demand something in return. Corporate donations are nothing more than a way for companies to use their economic power to exert influence on politics.

The Japan Business Federation has put forward “policies” such as reducing corporate taxes, cutting social security, and proposing an increase in the consumption tax, and encourages donations to political parties that fit these policies. Donations to implement policies that are convenient for companies are political bribery in themselves.

When the business world jumps to the forefront and pushes forward with bad government, what is needed is a party that can “speak its mind” to the business world. It is clear that the Japanese Communist Party, which relies on the people for finances and does not take a single yen from companies, is the party that is qualified to do so. (Tsukasa)

Reference: Communist Party website

It is written that the party will bring benefits to shareholders and Communist Party members.

A bird in a cage or a bird in shackles?

They are birds of a feather. Both have their own goals.

mark 3p1000


AI サイエンス 心理学・性格・傾向 情報 歴史






  • 商業資本主義 (14世紀頃〜): 中世ヨーロッパで、商人たちが遠隔地貿易や金融業で富を蓄積し始めた時代。
  • 産業資本主義 (18世紀頃〜): 産業革命により、工場制機械工業が発展し、資本家が労働者を雇用して生産を行う体制が確立された時代。


  • 自由放任主義 (19世紀): 市場メカニズムを重視し、政府の介入を最小限にする考え方。
  • 修正資本主義 (20世紀前半): 世界恐慌などを経て、政府が経済に積極的に介入するようになった時代。
  • 福祉国家 (20世紀後半): 社会保障制度を充実させ、所得格差の是正を目指す考え方。
  • グローバル資本主義 (20世紀末〜): グローバル化が進み、多国籍企業が世界経済で大きな影響力を持つようになった時代。
  • 新自由主義 (20世紀末〜): 市場原理主義を復活させ、規制緩和や民営化を進める考え方。


  • 情報資本主義: IT技術の発展により、情報や知識が重要な資源となる時代。
  • プラットフォーム資本主義: インターネット上のプラットフォームを通じて、企業がサービスを提供し、巨大な富を築く時代。
  • ステークホルダー資本主義: 企業は株主だけでなく、従業員、顧客、地域社会など、様々なステークホルダーに対して責任を果たすべきだとする考え方。


  • 書籍:
    • ユルゲン・コッカ著『資本主義の歴史 起源・拡大・現在』
    • エリック・ホブズボーム著『資本主義の時代』
  • ウェブサイト:
    • ダイヤモンド・オンライン『資本主義はどのように生まれたのか?3分で読む「競争社会」誕生の歴史』https://diamond.jp/articles/-/60471






1. 初期社会主義 (18世紀後半~19世紀前半)

  • 産業革命による貧富の差の拡大や労働者の劣悪な労働環境を背景に、平等な社会を目指す思想が生まれた。
  • 代表的な思想家:
    • ロバート・オウエン(イギリス):協同組合の設立や労働環境の改善を提唱。
    • アンリ・ド・サン=シモン(フランス):科学技術の発展による社会改革を提唱。
    • シャルル・フーリエ(フランス):理想的な共同体「ファランステール」を構想。

2. 科学的社会主義 (19世紀中頃~20世紀初頭)

  • カール・マルクスとフリードリヒ・エンゲルスが提唱。
  • 資本主義社会の矛盾を分析し、労働者階級による革命と社会主義社会の建設を主張。
  • 共産党宣言(1848年)や資本論(1867年~)が発表され、世界に大きな影響を与えた。

3. 社会主義の実践 (20世紀)

  • 1917年のロシア革命により、世界初の社会主義国家であるソビエト連邦が誕生。
  • 第二次世界大戦後、東ヨーロッパやアジア、中南米など世界各地で社会主義政権が樹立。
  • しかし、ソ連型社会主義は経済の停滞や政治的抑圧などの問題を抱え、1989年の東欧革命を経て1991年にソ連が崩壊。

4. 社会主義の多様化 (20世紀後半~現在)

  • ソ連型社会主義の崩壊後、社会主義のあり方は多様化。
  • 中国は市場経済を導入しつつも共産党の一党支配体制を維持。
  • 北欧諸国は社会民主主義に基づき、高福祉・高負担の社会を実現。
  • ベネズエラやボリビアなどの中南米諸国では、21世紀型社会主義と呼ばれる独自の社会主義を模索。






  1. 生産手段の共有: 土地、工場、機械などの生産手段を私有ではなく、社会全体で共有することを目指します。これにより、一部の資本家による富の独占を防ぎ、社会全体の利益のために生産活動が行われると考えられています。

  2. 階級闘争: 資本家階級と労働者階級の対立を社会の根本的な矛盾と捉え、労働者階級による革命を通じて資本主義社会を打倒し、共産主義社会を建設することを目指します。

  3. 計画経済: 市場原理ではなく、国家による計画的な生産・分配によって経済を運営します。これにより、資源の効率的な利用や社会全体のニーズに応じた生産が可能になると考えられています。

  4. 社会の平等: 貧富の差のない平等な社会の実現を目指します。教育、医療、住宅などの基本的なサービスを無償で提供し、すべての人が平等な機会と生活水準を享受できるようにすることを目指します。






What is capitalism?

The history of capitalism is widely interpreted depending on its origin, definition, and stage of development, but it can be roughly understood as follows.


Commercial capitalism (from around the 14th century): The period in medieval Europe when merchants began to accumulate wealth through long-distance trade and financial services.

Industrial capitalism (from around the 18th century): The period when the Industrial Revolution led to the development of factory-based mechanical industries and the establishment of a system in which capitalists employed workers to produce goods.

Stages of development:

Laissez-faire (19th century): A philosophy that emphasizes market mechanisms and minimizes government intervention.

Modified capitalism (first half of the 20th century): A period after the Great Depression, when governments began to actively intervene in the economy.

Welfare state (second half of the 20th century): A philosophy that aims to improve social security systems and correct income disparities.

Global capitalism (late 20th century): A period when globalization progressed and multinational corporations came to have a major influence on the world economy.
Neoliberalism (late 20th century~): A philosophy that revives market fundamentalism and promotes deregulation and privatization.

Modern capitalism:

Information capitalism: An era in which information and knowledge become important resources due to the development of IT technology.

Platform capitalism: An era in which companies provide services through online platforms and build huge wealth.

Stakeholder capitalism: A philosophy that companies should fulfill their responsibilities not only to shareholders but also to various stakeholders such as employees, customers, and local communities.

More information on the history of capitalism:

Jurgen Kocka, “The History of Capitalism: Origins, Expansion, and Present”
Eric Hobsbawm, “The Age of Capitalism”
Diamond Online, “How did capitalism come into being? A 3-minute read on the history of the birth of the ‘competitive society'” https://diamond.jp/articles/-/60471

The history of capitalism is constantly changing. New forms of capitalism are being sought to solve the problems facing modern capitalism (widening inequality, environmental problems, etc.).

If you need more information, please refer to the above resources or ask specific questions.

What is Socialism?

The history of socialism can be broadly divided into the following periods.

1. Early Socialism (late 18th century to early 19th century)

The idea of ​​a more equal society was born against the backdrop of the widening gap between rich and poor and the poor working conditions of workers caused by the Industrial Revolution.

Representative thinkers:

Robert Owen (England): advocated the establishment of cooperatives and the improvement of working conditions.

Henri de Saint-Simon (France): advocated social reform through the development of science and technology.

Charles Fourier (France): envisioned the ideal community of the “phalanstere.”

2. Scientific Socialism (mid-19th century to early 20th century)

Proposed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Analyzed the contradictions of capitalist society and advocated a revolution by the working class and the construction of a socialist society.

The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867-) were published, which had a major impact on the world.

3. Socialism in Practice (20th Century)

The Russian Revolution of 1917 gave birth to the Soviet Union, the world’s first socialist state.
After World War II, socialist governments were established around the world, including in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
However, Soviet-style socialism had problems such as economic stagnation and political oppression, and after the Eastern European Revolution of 1989, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

4. Diversification of Socialism (late 20th century to present)

After the collapse of Soviet-style socialism, forms of socialism have diversified.
China has introduced a market economy while maintaining a one-party system of Communist rule.
Northern European countries have realized a society with high welfare and high tax burdens based on social democracy.
Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Bolivia are exploring their own unique form of socialism, known as 21st century socialism.

The history of socialism is a trail of ideas and movements that aimed to realize an equal society, and the search for this goal continues in various forms even today.

If you would like to know more about any era, region, or thinker, please feel free to ask us.

What is Communism?

Communism is an ideology, movement, and system that denies private ownership of the means of production and the gap between rich and poor in capitalist society, and aims for the sharing of the means of production and social equality.

The main characteristics are as follows.

Sharing of the means of production: The aim is to share the means of production, such as land, factories, and machines, with the entire society, rather than private ownership. This is believed to prevent the monopoly of wealth by a few capitalists, and to carry out production activities for the benefit of the entire society.

Class struggle: The conflict between the capitalist class and the working class is regarded as a fundamental contradiction in society, and the aim is to overthrow capitalist society through revolution by the working class and build a communist society.

Planned economy: The economy is run by planned production and distribution by the state, rather than by market principles. It is believed that this will enable efficient use of resources and production that meets the needs of the entire society.

Social equality: We aim to realize an equal society without differences between rich and poor. We aim to provide basic services such as education, medical care, and housing free of charge, so that everyone can enjoy equal opportunities and a standard of living.

Communism is based on the “scientific socialism” advocated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and communist systems were established in many countries, including the Soviet Union and China, in the 20th century. However, problems such as economic stagnation and political oppression arose, and Soviet-style socialism collapsed.

Today, there are various forms of communism, such as countries like China that have introduced a market economy but maintain a one-party system of communist rule, and countries like the Nordic countries that realize a high-welfare, high-tax society based on social democracy.

Communism is an ideology that aims to realize an ideal society, and it still sparks various discussions and movements today.

Common points

It is a doctrine that underestimates human desires and does not give them much thought.


mark 3p1000


AI 心理学・性格・傾向 情報






  • 需要額: 5兆円を大きく上回る見込み (2019年は4.8兆円)
  • 要因: 訪日外国人一人当たりの消費額が予想外に高水準で推移
  • 参考資料:


  • 訪日外国人客数: 史上最多の3,310万人を予測
  • 要因: 中国からの個人旅行の回復
  • 参考資料:
    • 2024年の旅行予測、訪日インバウンドは史上最多の3310万人、国内はリベンジ消費に一服感、海外旅行は回復緩やか、JTBが推計 – トラベルボイス: https://www.travelvoice.jp/20231220-154831


  • 政府は2025年までにインバウンド需要5兆円、訪日外国人旅行者数2,000万人、訪日外国人旅行消費額4兆円を目標としていますが、これらの目標は前倒しで達成される可能性があります。




  • 多言語対応: メニューやウェブサイト、SNSなどを多言語化し、外国人観光客が情報を得やすくする。
  • オンライン予約: 外国人観光客向けのオンライン予約サイトに登録し、予約のハードルを下げる。
  • SNS活用: InstagramやTikTokなどのSNSで情報発信し、外国人観光客の関心を引く。
  • インバウンド向けメディアへの掲載: 外国人観光客向けのガイドブックやウェブサイトに掲載してもらう。
  • 体験型コンテンツ: 日本文化体験(例:寿司作り体験、日本酒テイスティング)などを提供し、外国人観光客の興味を引く。


  • 多言語対応スタッフの配置: 英語や中国語など、主要な言語に対応できるスタッフを配置する。
  • タブレット端末の活用: タブレット端末で多言語メニューを表示したり、翻訳アプリを利用したりする。
  • ピクトグラムの活用: メニューに写真やイラストを多用し、言葉がわからなくても料理の内容がわかるようにする。
  • 宗教・文化への配慮: ハラルやベジタリアンなど、宗教や文化に配慮したメニューを提供する。
  • キャッシュレス決済: クレジットカードやQRコード決済など、外国人観光客が使いやすい決済方法を導入する。


  • 無料Wi-Fiの提供: 外国人観光客がインターネットを利用しやすい環境を整える。
  • 多言語対応のトイレ表示: トイレの場所や使い方を多言語で表示する。
  • 観光案内: 周辺の観光スポットや交通機関の情報を提供する。






  • 農園・漁村体験ツアー: 収穫体験、漁業体験、加工体験など、日本の農林水産業を体験できるツアーを企画・実施
  • 農家民宿・漁家民宿: 農家や漁師の家に宿泊し、地元の食材を使った料理や文化体験を提供
  • 直売所・道の駅でのインバウンド対応: 外国語対応、免税手続き、多言語表示、海外向け決済手段の導入
  • 輸出促進: 高品質な農林水産物を海外に輸出
  • 海外販路開拓: 現地のニーズに合わせた商品開発やプロモーション
  • インバウンド向け情報発信: ウェブサイトやSNSでの多言語情報発信、海外メディアへの露出
  • 外国人向け農業研修: 外国人を受け入れ、日本の農業技術を習得してもらう
  • インバウンド向け商品開発: 地元の特産品を使った加工品や土産品の開発、ベジタリアン・ヴィーガン・ハラル対応商品の開発


  • イチゴ狩り: 日本で人気のイチゴ狩りは、外国人観光客にも人気のアクティビティ。農園によっては、多言語対応のスタッフを配置したり、ピクトグラムで説明したりするなど、外国人観光客への配慮も進んでいます。
  • ワイナリーツアー: 日本産のワインは海外でも評価が高まっており、ワイナリーツアーは外国人観光客に人気の観光コンテンツとなっています。
  • 漁業体験: 漁船に乗って漁業体験ができるツアーは、外国人観光客に日本の漁業文化を体験してもらう良い機会となっています。


  • 言語・文化の壁: 外国語対応や異文化理解など、インバウンド対応には課題も多いですが、地域全体で協力して取り組むことが重要です。
  • 人材不足: 農林水産業は人手不足が深刻なため、外国人労働者の受け入れや、外国人向けの農業研修など、人材確保の取り組みも必要です。
  • 販路開拓: 海外販路の開拓や、海外向けの商品開発など、輸出促進に向けた取り組みも重要です。




  • 多言語での求人情報: 英語や中国語など、ターゲットとする外国人観光客の言語で求人情報を発信する。
  • 外国人向けの求人サイト: 外国人向けの求人サイトやSNSを活用して求人情報を発信する。
  • 外国人留学生向けの就職フェア: 外国人留学生を対象とした就職フェアに参加する。
  • インターンシップ: 外国人留学生を受け入れ、インターンシップを通じて採用につなげる。
  • 紹介制度: 従業員からの紹介制度を導入し、外国人観光客に対応できる人材を紹介してもらう。
  • ハローワーク: ハローワークの外国人雇用サービスセンターに相談し、外国人求職者を紹介してもらう。
  • 外国人材紹介会社: 外国人材紹介会社に依頼し、外国人求職者を紹介してもらう。


  • 語学力重視: 英語や中国語など、外国人観光客に対応できる語学力を重視する。
  • コミュニケーション能力重視: 異文化理解力やコミュニケーション能力を重視する。
  • 人柄重視: 接客業であるため、明るく丁寧な対応ができる人柄を重視する。
  • 多様な働き方: 短時間勤務や週3日勤務など、多様な働き方を許容する。
  • 研修制度: 外国人観光客への接客方法や日本の文化などを学ぶ研修制度を設ける。
  • キャリアパス: 外国人従業員がキャリアアップできるようなキャリアパスを用意する。


  • 外国人従業員のサポート: ビザ取得や住居探しなど、外国人従業員の生活をサポートする。
  • 多文化共生: 従業員同士が互いの文化を理解し、尊重できるような職場環境を作る。





Inbound demand

It is expected to exceed pre-COVID levels in 2023 and continue to grow in 2024.

The highest figure was in 2019

Inbound demand in 2023

Demand: Expected to far exceed 5 trillion yen (4.8 trillion yen in 2019)

Reason: Consumption per foreign visitor to Japan remains at an unexpectedly high level

Inbound demand recovering smoothly: Estimated value for 2023 is 5.9 trillion yen, exceeding pre-COVID levels (number of foreign visitors to Japan in June): https://www.nri.com/jp/knowledge/blog/lst/2023/fis/kiuchi/0720_2

Inbound demand in 2024

Number of foreign visitors to Japan: Predicted to be a record high of 33.1 million

Reason: Recovery of individual travel from China

Travel forecast for 2024, inbound visitors to Japan to reach a record high of 33.1 million, domestic revenge consumption showing a pause, overseas travel showing a slow recovery, JTB estimates – Travel Voice: https://www.travelvoice.jp/20231220-154831


The government has set a goal of 5 trillion yen in inbound demand, 20 million foreign visitors to Japan, and 4 trillion yen in travel spending by foreign visitors to Japan by 2025, but these goals may be achieved ahead of schedule.

The increase in inbound demand is expected to have a positive impact on various industries, including the tourism industry.

In response to the increase in inbound demand, restaurants are taking various measures.

Attracting customers

Multilingual support: Make menus, websites, SNS, etc. multilingual to make it easier for foreign tourists to obtain information.
Online reservations: Register on an online reservation site for foreign tourists to lower the barrier to reservations.
Utilizing SNS: Disseminate information on SNS such as Instagram and TikTok to attract the interest of foreign tourists.
Featured in inbound media: Have your restaurant featured in guidebooks and websites for foreign tourists.
Experience-based content: Offer Japanese cultural experiences (e.g., sushi making experience, sake tasting), etc. to attract the interest of foreign tourists.

Customer service

Assign multilingual staff: Assign staff who can speak major languages ​​such as English and Chinese.
Use tablet devices: Display multilingual menus on tablet devices or use translation apps.
Use pictograms: Use many photos and illustrations on the menu so that customers can understand the contents of the dishes even if they do not understand the language.
Consideration for religion and culture: Offer menus that take religion and culture into consideration, such as halal and vegetarian.
Cashless payment: Introduce payment methods that are easy for foreign tourists to use, such as credit cards and QR code payments.


Provide free Wi-Fi: Create an environment where foreign tourists can easily use the Internet.
Multilingual toilet signs: Display the location of toilets and how to use them in multiple languages.
Tourist information: Provide information on nearby tourist spots and transportation.

These efforts will increase the satisfaction of foreign tourists and lead to repeat visitors.

It is also important for the entire region to work on inbound measures. For example, tourism associations and local governments can take the lead in creating multilingual maps and setting up tourist information centers to create an environment where foreign tourists can tour the area with peace of mind.

It is important for restaurants to use this information to consider effective inbound measures that are tailored to their strengths and target customer demographic.

The increase in inbound demand also represents a major business opportunity for Japan’s primary industries.

Examples of inbound initiatives in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry

Farm and fishing village experience tours: Planning and implementing tours that allow visitors to experience Japan’s agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries, such as harvesting, fishing and processing experiences

Farm and fisherman’s guesthouses: Staying at farmhouses and fishermen’s homes and offering cuisine using local ingredients and cultural experiences

Inbound support at direct sales outlets and roadside stations: Foreign language support, tax-free procedures, multilingual displays, introduction of overseas payment methods

Export promotion: Exporting high-quality agricultural, forestry and fishery products overseas

Developing overseas sales channels: Product development and promotion tailored to local needs

Inbound information dissemination: Multilingual information dissemination on websites and SNS, exposure to overseas media

Agricultural training for foreigners: Accepting foreigners and having them learn Japanese agricultural techniques

Inbound product development: Development of processed products and souvenirs using local specialty products, development of vegetarian, vegan and halal products

Specific examples

Strawberry picking: Strawberry picking, which is popular in Japan, is also a popular activity for foreign tourists. Some farms are also being considerate to foreign tourists, such as by assigning multilingual staff and using pictograms to explain things.

Winery tours: Japanese wines are gaining recognition overseas, and winery tours are a popular tourist attraction for foreign tourists.

Fishing experience: Tours that allow foreign tourists to experience fishing on a fishing boat are a good opportunity for foreign tourists to experience Japan’s fishing culture.

Challenges and future prospects

Language and cultural barriers: There are many challenges in responding to inbound tourists, such as foreign language support and cross-cultural understanding, but it is important to work together as a region.

Lack of human resources: Since the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries have a serious labor shortage, efforts to secure human resources are also necessary, such as accepting foreign workers and providing agricultural training for foreigners.

Developing sales channels: It is also important to take measures to promote exports, such as developing overseas sales channels and developing products for overseas markets.

It is expected that capturing inbound demand will revitalize Japan’s primary industries and lead to the promotion of local economies.

As inbound demand increases, restaurants are facing a serious labor shortage. There is an urgent need to secure personnel who can deal with foreign tourists, and various efforts are being made in recruitment and hiring.


Job information in multiple languages: Post job information in the languages ​​of the target foreign tourists, such as English and Chinese.
Job sites for foreigners: Post job information using job sites and social media for foreigners.
Job fairs for foreign students: Participate in job fairs for foreign students.
Internships: Accept foreign students and hire them through internships.
Referral system: Introduce a referral system from employees to have them introduce personnel who can deal with foreign tourists.
Hello Work: Consult with the Hello Work Foreign Employment Service Center and have them introduce foreign job seekers.
Foreign talent introduction companies: Request a foreign talent introduction company to introduce foreign job seekers.


Emphasis on language skills: Emphasis on language skills that can deal with foreign tourists, such as English and Chinese.
Emphasis on communication skills: Emphasis on intercultural understanding and communication skills.
Emphasis on personality: Because this is a customer service job, emphasis is placed on bright and polite personalities.
Diverse working styles: Accept diverse working styles, such as short-time work and working three days a week.

Training system: Establish a training system to learn how to serve foreign tourists and Japanese culture.

Career path: Prepare a career path that allows foreign employees to advance their careers.


Support for foreign employees: Support the lives of foreign employees, such as obtaining a visa and finding housing.

Multicultural coexistence: Create a work environment where employees can understand and respect each other’s cultures.

Through these efforts, restaurants can secure personnel who can serve foreign tourists and accelerate the capture of inbound demand.

Job openings and recruitment information for restaurants in Osaka

In Osaka, with the increase in inbound demand, more and more restaurants are looking for personnel who can serve foreign tourists. Job openings can be found at Hello Work and recruitment sites for foreigners.

Indeed: https://jp.indeed.com/
YOLO JAPAN: https://yolo-japan.com/

In addition, job fairs for foreigners are held, organized by the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Osaka Prefecture, and others. By participating in these events, you can directly interact with companies and find a job that suits you.


mark 3p1000


AI サイエンス 心理学・性格・傾向 情報








  1. 柔軟性とスピード: 個人は、状況の変化に迅速に対応し、独自の判断で行動できます。組織の意思決定プロセスを経ずに、柔軟かつスピーディーに問題解決やイノベーションを推進できます。
  2. 多様な視点と創造性: 個人の持つ個性や経験は、多様な視点や発想を生み出し、組織に新たな価値をもたらします。組織全体の創造性を高め、競争力を強化する上で、個人の力は不可欠です。
  3. 自己成長とモチベーション: 個人の能力を最大限に発揮し、成果を上げることで、自己成長を実感し、モチベーションを高めることができます。個人の成長は、組織全体の活性化にもつながります。


  1. 資源と能力の限界: 個人は、組織と比較して、利用できる資源や能力に限りがあります。大規模なプロジェクトや複雑な問題に対応するには、組織の力を借りる必要があります。
  2. 孤立とリスク: 個人で活動する場合、組織のサポートや情報共有の機会が得られず、孤立してしまう可能性があります。また、個人の判断ミスや失敗が、組織全体に影響を与えるリスクも存在します。



  1. 資源と能力の共有: 組織は、多様な人材や資源を保有しており、個人が単独で達成できない目標を達成することができます。組織全体の資源と能力を共有することで、効率的かつ効果的な活動が可能です。
  2. 安定性と持続性: 組織は、個人の異動や退職に左右されず、安定した活動を継続できます。また、組織としてのノウハウや文化を継承することで、長期的な成長と発展を目指せます。
  3. リスク分散とサポート: 組織は、個人の失敗やリスクを分散し、サポート体制を提供することができます。組織全体の力で問題解決に取り組むことで、個人の負担を軽減し、安定した成果を上げることができます。


  1. 意思決定の遅延: 組織は、多様な意見や利害関係を調整する必要があるため、意思決定に時間がかかることがあります。迅速な対応が求められる状況では、組織の意思決定プロセスが足かせとなる可能性があります。
  2. 官僚主義と硬直性: 組織が大きくなるにつれて、官僚主義的な体質や硬直したルールが生まれやすくなります。個人の自由な発想や行動を阻害し、組織全体の活力を低下させる可能性があります。






  1. 共感と理解の深化: 個人間の関わりを通じて、互いの感情や考えを共有し、共感や理解を深めることができます。これにより、良好な人間関係を築き、孤独感を解消することができます。
  2. 多様な価値観との出会い: 異なる背景や価値観を持つ個人と関わることで、自身の視野を広げ、新たな視点や考え方を得ることができます。多様な価値観に触れることは、自己成長や創造性を促進する上で重要です。
  3. 協力と相互支援: 個人間で協力し、互いに支え合うことで、困難な状況を乗り越えたり、目標を達成したりすることができます。協力関係は、個人の能力を最大限に引き出し、より大きな成果を生み出す可能性を秘めています。


  1. 対立と摩擦: 価値観や意見の相違から、対立や摩擦が生じる可能性があります。良好な関係を維持するためには、互いを尊重し、コミュニケーションを円滑にする努力が必要です。
  2. 依存と束縛: 個人間の関わりが過度になると、依存や束縛が生じ、個人の自由や自律性を阻害する可能性があります。健全な関係を築くためには、適切な距離感を保つことが重要です。
  3. 時間とエネルギーの消費: 個人間の関わりには、時間とエネルギーが必要です。多忙な現代社会においては、限られた時間の中で、バランスの取れた人間関係を築くことが求められます。







  1. 資源と能力の補完: 組織はそれぞれ異なる資源や能力を持っています。組織間で連携することで、互いの強みを活かし、弱点を補完することができます。これにより、単独では達成できない目標を達成したり、新たな価値を創造したりすることが可能になります。
  2. リスク分散と安定性の向上: 組織間で協力することで、リスクを分散し、事業の安定性を高めることができます。例えば、共同で事業を行うことで、市場の変化や競合の出現に対応しやすくなります。
  3. 情報共有とイノベーションの促進: 組織間で情報や知識を共有することで、新たなアイデアや技術が生まれる可能性が高まります。共同研究開発や技術提携などを通じて、イノベーションを促進することができます。
  4. 社会貢献とブランドイメージ向上: 組織間で連携し、社会課題の解決に取り組むことで、社会貢献を果たし、企業のブランドイメージを向上させることができます。


  1. 利害対立と競争: 組織間には、利害対立や競争関係が生じる可能性があります。協力関係を築くためには、互いの利益を尊重し、Win-Winの関係を構築する必要があります。
  2. コミュニケーションの難しさ: 組織文化や価値観の違いから、コミュニケーションが円滑に進まない場合があります。誤解や摩擦を避けるためには、相互理解を深め、信頼関係を築くことが重要です。
  3. 意思決定の遅延: 組織間の連携には、複数の組織の合意形成が必要となるため、意思決定に時間がかかる場合があります。迅速な対応が求められる状況では、柔軟な対応が求められます。




Individual power and organizational power: Advantages and disadvantages of individuals and organizations

In modern society, individual ability and organizational power are intricately intertwined and influence each other. Here, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each in about 1000 words.

individual power


Flexibility and speed: Individuals can respond quickly to changing circumstances and act on their own judgment. You can promote problem solving and innovation flexibly and quickly without going through the organizational decision-making process.
Diverse perspectives and creativity: The individuality and experience of individuals creates diverse perspectives and ideas, which bring new value to the organization. The power of individuals is essential in increasing the creativity and competitiveness of the entire organization.
Self-growth and motivation: By maximizing your individual abilities and achieving results, you can feel self-growth and increase your motivation. Personal growth also leads to the revitalization of the entire organization.


Limited resources and capabilities: Individuals have limited resources and capabilities available to them compared to organizations. Large projects and complex problems require the help of an organization.
Isolation and Risk: Working alone can leave you isolated without organizational support or opportunities to share information. There is also the risk that an individual’s misjudgment or failure can affect the entire organization.
organizational skills


Sharing of resources and capabilities: Organizations have a diverse set of people and resources that enable them to achieve goals that individuals cannot achieve alone. Sharing resources and capabilities across the organization enables efficient and effective operations.
Stability and sustainability: Organizations can continue to operate stably, regardless of the transfer or retirement of individuals. Additionally, by passing on the know-how and culture of the organization, we can aim for long-term growth and development.
Risk distribution and support: Organizations can distribute individual failures and risks and provide support structures. By working to solve problems with the power of the entire organization, the burden on individuals can be reduced and stable results can be achieved.


Delays in decision-making: Decision-making can take time as organizations must reconcile diverse opinions and interests. Situations that require a quick response can hinder an organization’s decision-making process.
Bureaucracy and rigidity: As organizations grow, they tend to develop bureaucratic structures and rigid rules. It can inhibit the free thinking and actions of individuals and reduce the vitality of the entire organization.

Individual strength and organizational strength each have their own merits and demerits, and it is not possible to simply compare which one is better. The important thing is to understand the characteristics of each and use them appropriately depending on the situation. By leveraging each other’s strengths and working together, individuals and organizations can achieve even greater results.




Interpersonal interaction is a very important element in social life. Here, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of relationships between individuals, as well as the changes in modern society.


Deepening empathy and understanding: Through interpersonal interaction, we can share each other’s feelings and thoughts and deepen empathy and understanding. This will help you build good relationships and eliminate feelings of loneliness.
Encounter with diverse values: By interacting with individuals with different backgrounds and values, you can broaden your horizons and gain new perspectives and ways of thinking. Exposure to diverse values is important in promoting self-growth and creativity.
Cooperation and Mutual Support: Individuals can overcome difficult situations and achieve goals by working together and supporting each other. Collaborative relationships have the potential to bring out the full potential of individuals and produce greater results.


Conflict and friction: Conflict and friction can arise from differences in values and opinions. In order to maintain good relationships, it is necessary to respect each other and make efforts to facilitate communication.
Dependency and bondage: Excessive interaction between individuals can lead to dependence and bondage, which can inhibit personal freedom and autonomy. In order to build a healthy relationship, it is important to maintain an appropriate distance.
Time and energy consumption: Interpersonal interactions require time and energy. In today’s busy society, it is necessary to build well-balanced relationships within a limited amount of time.

Changes in modern society

With the spread of SNS and online communication, the way individuals interact has changed dramatically. It has become possible to connect with diverse people beyond physical distance and time constraints. On the other hand, online communication also has the aspect that it is difficult to convey emotions and nuances compared to face-to-face communication.

In modern society, it is important to use face-to-face and online communication in a well-balanced manner to build good relationships. By accepting diverse values while respecting and empathizing with each other, relationships between individuals will become richer and more meaningful.

The relationships between organizations are extremely complex and diverse in modern society. Here, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of interorganizational relationships, as well as the changes in modern society.


Complementary resources and capabilities: Different organizations have different resources and capabilities. By collaborating between organizations, we can leverage each other’s strengths and complement each other’s weaknesses. This makes it possible to achieve goals that cannot be achieved alone and to create new value.
Spread risk and improve stability: Collaboration across organizations can spread risk and improve business stability. For example, working together makes it easier to respond to changes in the market and the emergence of competitors.
Information sharing and fostering innovation: Sharing information and knowledge across organizations increases the likelihood of new ideas and technologies. Innovation can be encouraged through joint R&D and technology partnerships.
Contributing to society and improving brand image: By collaborating between organizations and working to solve social issues, you can contribute to society and improve your company’s brand image.


Conflicts of Interest and Competition: Conflicts of interest and competition may arise between organizations. In order to build a cooperative relationship, we need to respect each other’s interests and build a win-win relationship.
Difficulties in communication: Communication may not proceed smoothly due to differences in organizational culture and values. In order to avoid misunderstandings and friction, it is important to deepen mutual understanding and build relationships of trust.
Delays in decision-making: Collaboration between organizations requires reaching consensus among multiple organizations, which can take time to make decisions. Situations that require a quick response require a flexible response.

Changes in modern society

With the advancement of globalization and digitalization, relationships between organizations are becoming increasingly complex. Companies need to cooperate with various organizations both domestically and internationally to survive the competition. They must also respond to new risks, such as the increasing complexity of supply chains and the threat of cyber attacks.

In modern society, collaboration between organizations is essential, and its importance is increasing. New forms of collaboration are also emerging, such as open innovation and alliances. Organizations are required to respond flexibly to changing environments and create new value while leveraging each other’s strengths.


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AI サイエンス デジタル 心理学・性格・傾向 情報 歴史

ポジションで意見が変わる 被害と加害~ファンとアンチと~









1. 利害関係:

  • 組織内での立場: 部署や役職によって、重視する目標やKPIが異なるため、同じ事象に対しても異なる意見を持つことがあります。
  • 業界や市場での立場: 競合他社との関係や、自社の市場シェアなどによって、意見が変わる場合があります。
  • 個人的な利害: 昇進や報酬など、個人的な利益に関わる事柄について、意見が変わる可能性があります。

2. 責任範囲:

  • 意思決定権: 決定権を持つ立場の人と、実行する立場の人では、責任の重さが異なるため、意見が分かれることがあります。
  • 影響範囲: 自分だけの問題ではなく、チームや組織全体に影響が及ぶ問題について、より慎重な意見を持つ人がいる一方で、リスクを恐れずに大胆な意見を持つ人もいます。

3. 情報量と視点:

  • アクセスできる情報: 同じ事象でも、入手できる情報量や質によって、意見が変わることがあります。
  • 専門知識や経験: 専門分野や過去の経験によって、着目するポイントや解釈が異なるため、意見が分かれる場合があります。

4. 価値観や信念:

  • 倫理観: 正義や道徳に関する価値観の違いによって、意見が対立することがあります。
  • 組織文化: 組織内で共有されている価値観や規範によって、意見が影響を受けることがあります。
  • 個人的な信念: 個人の信条や思想によって、意見が左右される場合があります。

5. コミュニケーション:

  • 表現方法: 同じ意見でも、表現方法によって相手に与える印象が異なるため、誤解が生じたり、意見が対立したりすることがあります。
  • 相互理解: 相手の立場や意見を理解しようと努めることで、意見の食い違いを解消できる場合があります。






  • 二次被害: 被害者が事件後、心ない言葉や偏見にさらされ、精神的な苦痛を受ける二次被害の問題は深刻です。特に性犯罪などの場合、被害者が非難されたり、プライバシーを侵害されたりすることがあります。
  • 支援体制の不足: 被害者支援の体制が十分でないという指摘があります。経済的な支援や心のケアなど、必要なサポートを受けられない被害者がいるのが現状です。
  • 捜査・裁判への負担: 被害者が捜査や裁判に協力する際に、精神的な負担が大きいという問題があります。プライバシーの保護や配慮が不十分な場合もあります。


  • 更生支援の不足: 加害者の更生を支援する体制が十分でなく、再犯防止に課題があります。刑務所を出所した後、社会復帰が困難なケースも多く、孤立してしまう加害者もいます。
  • 加害者家族への偏見: 加害者の家族が、事件と無関係であるにも関わらず、偏見や差別を受けることがあります。
  • 社会的制裁: インターネット上での誹謗中傷など、加害者やその家族に対する社会的制裁が過剰になる場合があります。


  • メディア報道: メディアによる報道が、被害者のプライバシーを侵害したり、加害者を過度に非難したりするなど、問題視されることがあります。
  • 性犯罪に関する誤解: 性犯罪の加害者像や被害者像について、誤った認識が広まっていることがあります。
  • 少年犯罪: 少年犯罪の低年齢化や凶悪化が問題視されており、少年法の改正などをめぐって議論が続いています。




  • 対象への熱烈な愛情や支持を示す
  • 対象に関する情報を積極的に収集し、共有する
  • 対象を応援し、成功を願う
  • 同じ対象のファン同士でコミュニティを形成し、交流する
  • 対象への批判に対して反論したり、擁護したりする


  • 対象への強い嫌悪感や批判を示す
  • 対象に関するネガティブな情報を収集し、拡散する
  • 対象の失敗を願ったり、嘲笑したりする
  • 同じ対象のアンチ同士でコミュニティを形成し、共感したり、情報を共有したりする
  • 対象への肯定的な意見に対して反論したり、否定したりする


  • ファンとアンチの対立が激化すると、誹謗中傷や炎上などの問題に発展することがある
  • 過度なファン活動が、対象のプライバシーを侵害したり、迷惑行為につながったりすることがある
  • アンチによる誹謗中傷やデマが、対象の精神的な苦痛や名誉毀損につながることがある
  • ファンとアンチの対立が、社会的な分断を助長することがある


  • ファンは、対象への愛情を表現する際に、他者への配慮を忘れないようにする
  • アンチは、対象への批判を表明する際に、誹謗中傷やデマにならないように注意する
  • ファンとアンチは、互いの意見を尊重し、建設的な対話をするように心がける
  • 関係者は、ファンとアンチの対立が激化しないように、適切な対応をする


position talk


“Basically, my position is to be on the side of the victim and the fans.”

Especially for minors.

However, having position talk is not a bad thing.

Take care to discern! !

I will describe it below.


1. Conflict of interest:

Position within the organization: Depending on the department or position, the goals and KPIs that are emphasized differ, so people may have different opinions on the same issue.
Industry and market position: Opinions may change based on factors such as your relationship with competitors and your company’s market share.
Personal Interests: You may change your mind about matters that concern your personal interests, such as promotions or compensation.

2. Scope of responsibility:

Decision-making authority: Opinions may differ between those in a position to make decisions and those in a position to implement them, as they have different levels of responsibility.
Reach: Some people are more cautious about issues that affect their team or organization as a whole, while others are more risk-taking and bold.

3. Information amount and perspective:

Accessible information: Opinions about the same event can change depending on the amount and quality of information available.
Expertise and experience: Depending on your field of expertise and past experience, points of focus and interpretation may differ, so opinions may differ.

4. Values and beliefs:

Ethics: Differences in values regarding justice and morality can lead to conflicting opinions.
Organizational Culture: Opinions can be influenced by the values and norms shared within an organization.
Personal Beliefs: Opinions may be influenced by personal beliefs and ideology.

5. Communication:

How to express: Even if you have the same opinion, the way you express it gives different impressions to others, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicting opinions.
Mutual understanding: Sometimes disagreements can be resolved by trying to understand the other person’s position and opinions.

These factors are intricately intertwined and influence an individual’s opinion formation. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to have different opinions depending on your position. Exchanging diverse opinions and deepening discussions can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.


victim and perpetrator
Problems in Japan



In Japan, various issues have been pointed out regarding the issue of victims and perpetrators, including the following:


Secondary victimization: The problem of secondary victimization is a serious one, as victims are exposed to heartless words and prejudice after the incident, causing mental pain. Particularly in cases such as sexual crimes, victims may be blamed and their privacy violated.
Lack of support system: It has been pointed out that the support system for victims is insufficient. The current situation is that some victims are unable to receive the support they need, such as financial support and psychological care.
Burden on investigations and trials: There is a problem in that victims face a heavy psychological burden when cooperating with investigations and trials. In some cases, privacy protection and consideration may not be sufficient.


Lack of rehabilitation support: There is an insufficient system to support the rehabilitation of offenders, and there are challenges in preventing recidivism. After being released from prison, there are many cases where it is difficult to reintegrate into society, and some perpetrators end up isolated.
Prejudice against the perpetrator’s family: The perpetrator’s family may be subject to prejudice and discrimination even though they have nothing to do with the incident.
Social sanctions: Social sanctions against perpetrators and their families, such as online slander, can be excessive.


Media coverage: Media coverage can sometimes be viewed as problematic, such as invading the privacy of victims or overly blaming perpetrators.
Misconceptions about sexual crimes: There are widespread misconceptions about the perpetrators and victims of sexual crimes.
Juvenile delinquency: The younger age and more violent nature of juvenile delinquency has been seen as a problem, and debate continues over revisions to the Juvenile Law.

In order to solve these problems, various initiatives are being taken, such as enhancing victim support, strengthening rehabilitation support for perpetrators, improving media coverage, disseminating correct knowledge about sexual crimes, and strengthening measures against juvenile crimes. It is needed.

Fans and anti-fans refer to people who have strong feelings of liking or disliking towards a certain object (person, work, organization, etc.).

Fan characteristics

show passionate love or support for a target
Actively collect and share information about the subject
Support the target and wish for success
Form a community and interact with fans of the same target
refute or defend a subject against criticism

Characteristics of anti

Show strong dislike or criticism towards a target
Collect and spread negative information about the target
Wishing the target failure or ridiculing it
Form a community with antis who share the same target, sympathize with each other, and share information.
refute or deny a positive opinion about a subject

Problems between fans and antis

When the conflict between fans and anti-fans intensifies, it can lead to problems such as slander and flames.
Excessive fan activity may violate the privacy of the target or lead to nuisance.
Slander and false rumors by anti-people can lead to mental pain and defamation of the target.
Conflict between fans and anti-fans can exacerbate social divisions.

How to deal with fans and antis

Fans should remember to be considerate of others when expressing their love for the subject.
Antis should be careful not to use slander or false rumors when expressing criticism of a target.
Fans and antis should respect each other’s opinions and try to have constructive dialogue.
Those involved will take appropriate measures to prevent conflicts between fans and anti-fans from escalating.

Fans and antis are both entities that show a strong interest in the subject, and their existence cannot be denied. However, it is important to respect each other’s opinions and build a constructive relationship.


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